You will write a three or four page critical analysis essay in which your purposes are to analyze
the gender roles or gender issues in the dramatic work, Trifles. You will interpret how the work
uses gender issues or gender stereotypes to comment on how gender roles limit the characters’
identities and choices or how characters overcome the limitations of gender roles and transform
themselves. What are the implications the author is making about masculinity and femininity in
the dramatic work and how do you find the issues relevant to the changing definitions of gender
identity in society today?
the gender roles or gender issues in the dramatic work, Trifles. You will interpret how the work
uses gender issues or gender stereotypes to comment on how gender roles limit the characters’
identities and choices or how characters overcome the limitations of gender roles and transform
themselves. What are the implications the author is making about masculinity and femininity in
the dramatic work and how do you find the issues relevant to the changing definitions of gender
identity in society today?
Essay Topic: Select from the questions below to formulate your claim about Susan
Glaspell’s central purpose related to gender issues in the play.
In Trifles how does Glaspell introduce, develop, and conclude the play in relation to the roles of
masculinity and femininity? How do the male characters, Mr. Hale, and Mr. Peters, and the
county attorney dominate the scenes, and how do the female characters interact differently?
What image of Minnie Foster emerges from the memories of the Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters?
What do the clues that the women discover reveal about the life of Mrs. Wright and John
How did Mrs. Wright conform to gender norms and how did she ultimately transform her gender
How do Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters subvert their gender roles in their interactions with the male
characters and in their attitude toward Mrs. Wright?
Who is the most feminist character in the drama due to the actions they take? How does this
character resist male domination to transform their gender role? What other power does this
character exert on others?
The final essay must consist of a minimum of three complete pages–excluding the work cited
page, which will be page four or five. In addition, the essay will consist of seven paragraphs: an
introduction stating your topic and culminating in your thesis, an expository paragraph providing
background information about the author that suggests her purpose in writing this play or defines
key concepts, four body paragraphs, the subtopics, including one or two quotes from Trifles in
each subtopic that you will analyze to support your thesis, and a provocative conclusion about
what the drama reveals about gender issues in society. Students will incorporate a minimum of
four in-text parenthetical citations (documented direct quotes from the primary source, Trifles,
but may include eight. Students will refrain from using any material from other sources except
in expository paragraph II. In addition, the essay will be written in the third person. As in the
essay one outline, each body paragraph must follow the instructions provided within the
Submission Requirements:
The final essay will be submitted in paragraph form with seven indented paragraphs using a
Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced. 12–point font and double–spaced.
Glaspell’s central purpose related to gender issues in the play.
In Trifles how does Glaspell introduce, develop, and conclude the play in relation to the roles of
masculinity and femininity? How do the male characters, Mr. Hale, and Mr. Peters, and the
county attorney dominate the scenes, and how do the female characters interact differently?
What image of Minnie Foster emerges from the memories of the Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters?
What do the clues that the women discover reveal about the life of Mrs. Wright and John
How did Mrs. Wright conform to gender norms and how did she ultimately transform her gender
How do Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters subvert their gender roles in their interactions with the male
characters and in their attitude toward Mrs. Wright?
Who is the most feminist character in the drama due to the actions they take? How does this
character resist male domination to transform their gender role? What other power does this
character exert on others?
The final essay must consist of a minimum of three complete pages–excluding the work cited
page, which will be page four or five. In addition, the essay will consist of seven paragraphs: an
introduction stating your topic and culminating in your thesis, an expository paragraph providing
background information about the author that suggests her purpose in writing this play or defines
key concepts, four body paragraphs, the subtopics, including one or two quotes from Trifles in
each subtopic that you will analyze to support your thesis, and a provocative conclusion about
what the drama reveals about gender issues in society. Students will incorporate a minimum of
four in-text parenthetical citations (documented direct quotes from the primary source, Trifles,
but may include eight. Students will refrain from using any material from other sources except
in expository paragraph II. In addition, the essay will be written in the third person. As in the
essay one outline, each body paragraph must follow the instructions provided within the
Submission Requirements:
The final essay will be submitted in paragraph form with seven indented paragraphs using a
Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced. 12–point font and double–spaced.