In other for clarity, I will provide you with some articles i want you to include in the review. Please focus on writing only the Introduction and the Theorectical Framework section of this work. Below is an outline i created.
(purpose, sample, data collection instrument, major results, and conclusion)
RQ: What are public school teachers’ perceptions on the change process (initiation, implementation, and institutionalization) of the DSL(Makerspace)?
Purpose of the study: to investigate the efficiency of the change process of the DSL
Problem statement: -Contextual Concerns
2004 educational reform – constructivism
-Curriculum fidelity
-criticism of the implementation of constructivism
-previous reforms have failed (back-up)
lack of efficiency in terms of resources
lack of efficiency in terms of results
Significance: lack of qualitative studies with public school teachers on this topic.
how involved are teachers with the change. In theory, how subsequent curriculums aligned with
Definition of the key terms in your research question:
-Literature review
Relevant sub themes created based on your analysis
-Theoretical Framework (Constructivism and Constructionism around the world(theory and practice); Constructivism and Constructionism in Türkiye Education system and Curriculum; Construtivism, Constructionism and Makerspace(world and trukiye)).
Please also create potention interview questions from the study that could be used for getting teachers perception. Please also search for this i couldn’t upload it due to its format Nationwide Deployment of Makerspaces in Schools in Turkey _ by Efe MISIRLI