I want the final paper be like this: Abstract, Introduction,
Literature Review, Methodology, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Limitations, Conclusion.
on this paper I’m mainly focusing on two periods, which are the colonial period, and the period that immediatly follows it, which is the Pan-Arab period. Also, I’m looking on how the Egyptian national identity was influenced by football in those eras. To illustrate, I’m looking on how football Teams were important to do so. Also, the fans (ultras), Individuals or players that left their mark on this matter as well.
Also I planned to use what happened to use the periods 2011 and 2012 as a way to show how pan arab identity continued to be present even after a long time.
Don’t divert from what I asked espeaclly the periods because they are the core of this study. Also, if you want to look for more case studies you can do so. Don’t be entitiled to only focusing on football teams (Egyptian), Fans, Individuals or players you can do more than just focus on those I mean you have to put them but you can look at other things related to football as well.