“case study” type essay on Jamaica’s health system and how it compares and contrasts with the healthcare system of France.
The case study should be divided into three sections.
1) Present the main health problems encountered by each of the two countries:
In this part, it is necessary to list the pathologies and behaviors, the environment (for example: water and air pollution) which affect the population. Please list for each country.
2) What are the problems encountered by each system with regard to: Quality? Access? The cost of health care?
To be able to approach this topic, you should analyze the following points:
a) The organization of each health system
i. Public organization (health pyramid)
ii. Place of the private sector in the organization of each health system.
b) The reasons for the problems encountered for each system:
i. Structural factors?
ii. Environmental and geographical factors?
iii. Economic factors?
iv. Political factors?
c) Sources of funding:
i. Public sources of financing: social insurance, the state.
ii. Private sources of financing: households (co-payments, for example, etc.), health insurance, micro-insurance, etc.
iii. Outside help (if it exists).
3) Is the overall health of the population of this country better or worse compared to the system of the comparator country? Benchmarks can be used, such as: infant mortality rate, cardiovascular disease mortality rate, male and female life expectancy, percentage of people with normal body mass, etc.
In this part, you are supposed to compare the health indicators of the two countries. Please use a table to make this comparison. List as many indicators as possible that you could find.
**IMPORTANT**: Please avoid plagiarism.