Students will explore a particular theme using assigned elements from four poems.

The Themes Paper

In this paper, you will trace a theme through several poetic works, discussing the similarities and differences you find in the expression of such themes and the larger literary value of doing so.  You can choose any theme you like (EXCEPT the theme of parental relationships).  Here are some ideas:

  • Love and/or Seduction
  • War or Social Conflict
  • Deception or Political Intrigue
  • Friendship and Community
  • Race or Immigration

You are certainly not limited to these themes – use your imagination and come up with one of your own!  


You must make use of at least (4) poetic works FROM THE BOOK (you may also include the two poems we talked about that weren’t from the book) in order to do an adequate job of tracing your theme.  Be sure to include the following components in your paper:

  • An introduction that explains the importance of looking at your chosen poems within the theme that you have placed them.  Is this selection relevant to your life or the larger culture in which we live? 
  • A thesis statement/claim that guides your paper – what do you intend to teach your audience and how will you accomplish this?
  • An explanation of the various poetic elements that help contribute to your analysis of each poem and that help you connect the ideas between poems.
  • Primary support from the texts that adequately supports both your larger argument and the individual arguments concerning the texts.
  • A conclusion that brings your paper to an acceptable ending.

You will use the attached document to complete your peer edits. Once you have a classmate peer edit your essay then you need to download it as a Word document to turn it in so that I can see their comments. You will also turn in your Theme Paper Worksheet with this assignment.



Theme Paper Rubric
Theme Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Thesis & Theme

Theme and four poems are introduced.

10 pts

Full Marks
Met all expectations

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Discussion of 1st Poem

Required Components: diction, time period, tone, and speaker/voice

20 pts

Full Marks
Met all requirements

15 pts

Only had three of the four required elements

10 pts

Patial Credit
Only had two of the required elements

5 pts

Partial Credit
Only have one required element.

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts
Discussion of 2nd Poem

Required Components: diction, time period, tone, and speaker/voice

20 pts

Full Marks
Met all requirements

15 pts

Only had three of the four required elements

10 pts

Patial Credit
Only had two of the required elements

5 pts

Partial Credit
Only have one required element.

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts
Discussion of 3rd Poem

Required Components: diction, time period, tone, and speaker/voice

20 pts

Full Marks
Met all requirements

15 pts

Only had three of the four required elements

10 pts

Patial Credit
Only had two of the required elements

5 pts

Partial Credit
Only have one required element.

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts
Discussion of 4th Poem

Required Components: diction, time period, tone, and speaker/voice

20 pts

Full Marks
Met all requirements

15 pts

Only had three of the four required elements

10 pts

Patial Credit
Only had two of the required elements

5 pts

Partial Credit
Only have one required element.

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts

A conclusion that brings the paper together.

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
5 pts

12 point font, double-spaced, proper heading; grammar and spelling/ Citation of poems.

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Use the Poems Information off of the Theme Paper Worksheet Down Below 
Follow the Rubics Please

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