Countermeasures and Strategies Against the Threat of Sarin Gas as a Weapon of Mass Destruction

For your Final Paper please keep in mind that I require a minimum of two (2) book sources to be included in your research.  On top of the two (2) book sources, you can use as many other resources as you wish to include in your paper. Our textbook can be one (1) of the two (2) books that you use, so long as it has information about the topic that you are going to propose. We are Graduate students, so I expect big things in the final paper. Here are the guidelines for the final paper. It will have three (3) distinct parts to it.
Part One – Identify the weapon of mass destruction that you have researched.
Part Two – Show the results of your research on the weapon of mass destruction that you have chosen. What is it? What are its capabilities? Do any countries currently possess it? Has it ever been used in the past? Do any terrorirst groups currently possess it? If yes, which terrorist group(s)? What are the potential ramifications if this weapon of mass destruction is unleashed on the population? 
Part Three – Pretend you are the Director of Homeland Security, and the top advisor to the President of the United States, on matters of terrorism. In Part Three of your research paper, I want you to go into very specific details on counter-terrorism strategies and how we can stop the weapon of mass destruction that you have chosen, from being unleashed upon the population, albeit by a rogue state, or a terrorist organization. This needs to be a very specific comprehensive strategy, on how to stop weapons of mass destruction being unleashed within the United States of America, and abroad at all US embassies and in all US territories, properties, military bases, etc.  I do not want generalities in this section.  I want specifics.
We are Graduate students, therefore I am expecting a Graduate-level paper, formatted in Microsoft Word and APA style, and it should be a minimum of fourteen (14) pages.  
Your paper should begin with a Title Page, then a Table of Contents, then an Abstract, then an Introduction, then you move into the Body of your paper where your Topics and Subtopics will be and this is where Part One, Part Two and Part Three will appear, then you move into your Conclusion and finally – your final Reference page. Keep in mind, the Title page, the Table of Contents page, the Abstract page, and the Final Reference page; do  NOT count so all-in-all, your final paper will be a minimum of fourteen (14) pages, as ten (10) pages of research are required.

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