I’m reaching out for your help with proofreading my research paper translated from Arabic to English, aiming for journal publication. Could you also ensure the titles are well-arranged and the references are in APA format, based on our previous work?
I’ve attached the document for your review and would appreciate any necessary edits.
indicating the subject of the research and the need for it, identify the research method, and the
method of data analysis, present and discuss the conclusions and recommendations, and finally
the bibliography.
reviewing the research problem and questions. The introduction should reveal the importance of
the research and its value to science and knowledge. The body of the research paper is divided
into successive and related parts with some degree of independence. Each part shows a certain
topic within the context of the whole subject. Such topic should have relation to the previous one
and prepare the reader for the next. The research is concluded with a comprehensive summary
and guidelines. The bibliography comes at the end.
(about 150 words each); keywords; introduction; main body divided into the appropriate sections
and sub-sections; conclusions; brief biographies of authors; and a list of references.
main text. Only one side of the sheet should be used and line spacing should be double.
of the following parts (regarding the field or empirical research):
Introduction: This includes the theoretical framework of the research and related studies. Don’t
make an independent title for previous studies.
The study’s problem, objectives, and questions or hypotheses.
Significance of the study
Limitations of the study (if any)
Definitions of variables
Study procedures which include:
The study population and sample
Study instruments
Instruments validity and reliability
Study instructions
The findings of the study
Discussion of the findings
Conclusions and recommendations
white. They should also be consecutively numbered and given titles and explanations beneath
them. Explanatory notes are written down beneath the tables.
the presented transcript in order that the referees may review them. These should not be
included in the research article when it is presented for final acceptance and printing.
beginning of a sentence or at the end of the sentence according to the last name of
author/authors and year of publication, as shown below:
At the beginning of the sentence: According to Jackson and Smith (2005)………….
At the end of the sentence: …………. (Smith, 2004).
Page numbers are mentioned in the main text only in case of quotation. Footnotes may be used
only when it is necessary and can be numbered or bulleted with an asterisk.
13. Citation in “References list” should be listed alphabetically according to the author’s/authors’
last name/s (in accordance with APA style)