3/29 Assignment: Research Outline
Write your research outline consisting of: research topic, research questions, research method, and your
primary data/sources. You can list them the following way:
Research topic: (a word or a phrase)
Research question(s): (what is the question(s) that you’d like to answer in your paper?)
Research method: (how are you going to answer your question(s)?)
Primary data/sources: (what are the data that you will bring and analyze in your paper?)
Research topic: the efficacy of Chevron’s environmental campaign
Research question(s): Does Chevron’s environmental campaign effective in face of the growing public’s
concern on oil?
Research method: analysis on advertisement and public receptions
Primary data/sources: I will focus on 3 latest advertisements that Chevron releases. I will look into the image,
perception, ideas built through the ads. I will also read the first 50 comments from each ad on Youtube and
count how many give a positive, neutral, and negative response. I will complement this analysis with the
recent news on Chevron on New York Times and the Washington Post.