The Spouses’ Divorce Paper: An Analysis of a Case Study Using Empirical Research

I have attached the instructions of the case study essay No Plagarism please and only use the citations I provided. Thank you so much

Testimonies of both spouses and the results after divorce



I must
say that the end of our relationship happened, because I couldn’t take it
anymore that I was the only one who really had a steady job and I was the one
who supported the family, that is, my daughter and my husband, at first I
didn’t care, but

After about
9 years I have to say that I reached my limit, a relationship is based on both
man and woman supporting the family and supporting each other, because I think
that is the reason why couples get married, it is to have a better life, but if
only I have to take care of working 8 hours a day,  losing approximately 3-5 hours a day of
transportation to cross from Mexico to the United States and also staying up
every night to have a better salary and that when I get home I still have to be
responsible for cleaning, eating, washing clothes and taking care of our
daughter, this means that at the end of the day I am alone,  I don’t have any privilege for being married,
so that’s why I wanted a divorce and the end of our relationship, because
thinking about it this relationship ended a long time ago, we just hadn’t



of all I must mention that I never wanted this relationship to end like this,
without a doubt I thought that since we started it, we would be together
forever, but I see that we took different paths, I feel like he didn’t appreciate
what I did staying home and taking care of our daughter. When she would get
home from work she would scream at me and verbally insult me by telling me that
I didn’t act like a real man and that I didn’t do anything to help her
economically or with housework. She did cheat on me on some point in the
relationship that me feel very angry and upset and develop trust issues with
her. Towards the end of our relationship, she wouldn’t want to communicate
about ways we could resolve the relationship. She also didn’t appreciate me,

The conclusion
of the relationship

They attended
therapy for the sake of their daughter and got the help they needed they now
have a functioning gradual coparenting relationship and share cutody of their
daughter and both contribute economically for their daughter.



least two original research articles

(as 2  sources). This will require that you conduct a literature search 

I have attached two peer reviewed articles that will be used for this case study essay:

 1. Does Unequal Housework Lead to Divorce? Evidence from Sweden Ruppanner, Leah ; Brandén, Maria ; Turunen, Jani

Sociology (Oxford), 2018-02, Vol.52 (1), p.75-94

2. Maintenance in relationships, satisfaction, jealousy, and violence in young couples: a network analysis José Ventura‑León1*, Cristopher Lino‑Cruz2 , Tomas Caycho‑Rodríguez3 and Christian Córdova‑Robles

least one citation of the book
 (required or optional) that is included
in the course modules. Note that the references for each of these readings are
presented in the module where the reading is presented.

In particular, they found that how couples communicate and
regulate negative affect (anger, frustration, mistrust, and resentment) during conflict was signifi-
cantly related to marital stability. The strategies that these couples used to handle conflict tended
to improve over time. For example, the levels of withdrawal and verbal aggression decreased.
In their longitudinal studies of marital processes, Rusbult, Bissonnette, Arriage, and Cox
(1998) found commitment to a relationship to be strongly predictive of feelings of satisfaction.
Their study followed 123 married couples over the course of 3 1/2 years. They concluded that
commitment is a central relationship-specific motive that promotes a wide range of prore-
lationship behaviors and that enhances dyadic adjustment. Strong commitment to a marriage
promotes greater willingness to accommodate. Accommodation is defined as behavior in which
individuals forgo self-interested behavior for the good of a relationship, place greater value
on prorelationship behavior, and recognize the interdependence of the partners. It is one of
several specific mechanisms through which committed individuals sustain their relationships.

MLA 9th Edition (Modern Language Assoc.)
Mark A. Fine, and John H. Harvey. Handbook of Divorce and Relationship Dissolution. Psychology Press, 2006.

APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Assoc.)
Mark A. Fine, & John H. Harvey. (2006). Handbook of Divorce and Relationship Dissolution. Psychology Press.”  pg 204

pick a citation from this passage from the textbook to relate to the couple. 

least 2 other citations
which could be additional research articles or additional course readings. Note
that if you cited one chapter from the Handbook of Divorce and Remarriage, you
can also cite another chapter and count It as a second citation/reference.

“Negative relationship outcomes are more likely when:

– The stressful event is defined as being a

challenge to the relationship

– Demands are high (e.g. money, time)

– Resources are low

• Individual

• Family

• Community ”   Community

Pick one qoutes from here that relates to the couples experience

“Dual earner families
are majority

• Women tend to do

– Housework

– Childcare

• Men are more often
given time to

relax after work
(buffer zone)

• Couples with
equitable division of

labor are most



– Brood about
communication lapses

– See problems as

– Relationships
assoc. with self-image

• Masculine:

– Brood about lack of
sex & activities

– See problems as



Women as Pursuers

• Women tend to
pursue conflict discussions

– Identify more
problems & want to discuss


– Want more emotional

– Express more

Men as Distancers

• Men more likely to
distance from conflict

– Minimize problems

– Avoid conflict

– More likely to
withdraw or stonewall

– Experience more
emotional flooding

– Behave agreeably to


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