Choose four chapters from the book that you identify with or resonate with. Craft a thesisstatement or question from those chapters that will title your essay. Then, find four currentnews articles that align with your topic, one that supports each chapter. Articles should comefrom reputable news sources (e.g., New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, Politico,Regional Newspapers).
The essay should be no less than 1,500 words. The essay must cite all four chapters and all fourarticles; ten points for each source not cited will be deducted from the final grade. Do not usedirect quotes in the essay; only paraphrase. You can organize the essay in any way that worksfor you, and the questions are just a guide to start you thinking about what to include. Youshould not βanswerβ the questions; use the textbook and the sources to discuss the concepts.All sources must be cited in the text and have corresponding reference citations.o APA format is required. Make sure to visit the APA folder in the course content section forproper use of citations. Essays that do not include both in-text and corresponding referencecitations will be deemed plagiarism and receive a grade of 0. Formatting of citations MUST follow APA guidelines. Five points will be deducted for each citation formatted incorrectly