1. Address your memo to a member of
the appropriate committee.
2. You are a legislative analyst for
the committee. Your position should be a neutral (non-partisan) analyst.
For the memo:
1. Briefly summarize the bill and selected sections.
2. Analyze the section based on a minimum of three
(a) Cost benefit analysis (can be
qualitative discussion/estimates)
(b) Equity/Distribution of
(c) Political feasibility/Public
The memo should be approximately 3
pages (single spaced) in length (11- or 12-point font). The length does not
include footnotes. Use professional footnote citations.
For the
draft, at minimum, I would like to see which bill you have selected, a summary of
the sections of interest, and to whom you will address your memo.
Please use this site: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/4984?s=5&r=3
And please use U.S. Professional sources.