Writing as a computer science professional to students about computer crime/ cybercrime.

The second paper should be at least 4 pages long, double spaced, MLA format, include page numbers.

“4 pages long” means 4 pages of your own writing. References do not count towards the 4 pages. For example if you write 3 pages
then have half a page of references that counts as 3 pages of writing.

Write about one of the following subjects:

 computer crime  OR
– intellectual property related to information technology

You play the role of a computer science professional. Assume you are writing for college students that do not have a technical background.
Your paper has an introduction, description of the topic, discussion of a good and bad side.
It is helpful to include cases related to the subject of your paper.
If you have recommendations to fix any problems with the subject of the paper, include them.

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