Required reading(s):
Reis, 2011, The lean startup, Chapter 6: Test (in file)
Baig, 2023, The radical act of eating with strangers (
in file )
Stevens, 2021, A complete introduction to prototyping (
in file )
Required video(s):
Leonard, 2010, The story of bottled water
Reflection 8 (Due at the start of class, submit on Blackboard)
In about 300-500 words, explain a) the purpose of prototyping, and b) 2-3 different types of prototyping methods described in the readings. Extending beyond the readings (meaning, the answer might not actually be in the readings), what do you think are c) some challenges associated with prototyping?
Also: Semesters are long, and sometimes they drag. Think about something you can do to give yourself a boost – cooking dinner with a friend, taking a trip to the gym, skipping a morning commitment to sleep in. Now, make the commitment to do it, this week. If you’re willing to do it, write, “I promise to try to take care of myself this week.”