Create one developmentally appropriate activity for ages 5 – 9 years that integrates and enhances cognitive, emotional/social, and physical development. Use the following format and describe in detail:
List all equipment or materials needed (.5 points)
Introduce child to activity – describe what you are going to do to get the child interested in the activity. (1 point)
Describe and label the activity with detail.Be sure to include specific information on how cognitive, emotional/social, and physical development is enhanced through this activity. (2 points)
Explain child’s role; what exactly is the child doing?
Explain adult’s role; exactly what is the adult doing?
(1.5 points)
Evaluation – answer the following questions with specific details regarding:
What milestones (listed above) traits/characteristics should adults be looking for during the interaction?
What specific evidence can be provided that the child is meeting (or not yet meeting) each of the milestone(s) you listed above? (.75 points)
Reference/resource; minimum 2 AND how you used those sources (1 point)