Write 3 pages on the instructions below and have 3 resources from (add to what is already there someway)

Leisure and Tourism in a Diverse Society

Diversity Solutions Project Proposal

(1 Proposal per Team)

Theme: LGBTQ+

Group Names: Christopher Herald, Dean Musialowicz, Evan Bidwell, Evan Koch,

Diversity Solutions Topic Rationale: Why has your team chosen this issue/topic? In a simple paragraph, tell me why this is important.

We chose our topic/issue because we want all members of the LGBTQ+ community to feel welcome in the sports and entertainment industry. We think it is important for all staff members to be educated on LGBTQ+ language, stereotypes, and myths so they do not unintentionally offend people. It is important to advertise and market sports apparel to the LGBTQ+ community.   

What are you Proposing? You still need to do the research to determine your Solution, but at this point, what are you proposing to do to address this Issue/Topic? (This could be a Diversity Training, New Service/Product, New/Updated Policy & Procedure, etc.?

We want to create an LGBTQ+ inclusion training strategy that will go on to help with our inclusive marketing strategies for the sportswear company FILA. By furthering our employees’ understanding of LGBTQ+ language, stereotypes, and myths, we should be able to market sports apparel to our consumers properly. Including popular celebrities or influencers to endorse our brand and product line geared towards the LGBTQ+ community is a great way of marketing our products.  

You will present your project using a written document and presentation to the Industry Audience you think needs this the most. Who is your audience?: (Who will the class member represent for the presentation? Think this through, what level staff, specific leaders, employees) 

Our audience is FILA Marketing Mgrs (employees) who should be trained to uphold DEI marketing strategies properly. The class members would represent the board of marketing committee. We want executives to understand the reasoning behind our training and marketing ideas.  

Creating a dedicated committee, we can ensure that our DEI marketing strategies are consistently applied across all marketing campaigns and that we are constantly seeking out new opportunities to improve our approach. We believe that it is important for executives to understand the reasoning behind our training and marketing ideas. By providing executives with regular updates on our DEI marketing strategies

Learning Objectives: Determine 3-5 Objectives. (What do you want the audience to get out of your presentation?) Number these 1-5, Write as ….Audience will learn…

  1. The audience will learn the importance of inclusive marketing strategies. 

  2. The audience will learn the importance of the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community inside the workplace within sports.

  3. The audience will learn a more beneficial way to interact with the LGBTQ+ community within sports.

  4. The audience will learn how to approach marketing towards LGBTQ+ without including the common pitfalls of myths and misconceptions.

  5. The audience will learn how misconceptions, myths, and stereotypes negatively impact the community’s willingness to participate in sports and sporting events.

Audience Engagement Strategy: Make this an engaging presentation. What strategy will the team use to get the audience engaged? (Polls, Activity, etc.) Explain in detail.

We will use surveys to engage our audience in whether or not they have seen LGBTQ+ marketing before from sports apparel brands. 

We could also ask if they would like to see more marketing toward the LGBTQ+ community

We could survey the room and ask what some members think would be an important characteristic of an LGBTQ+ commercial/advertisement. 

Ask what the biggest myths they have seen in the LGBTQ+ marketing industry 

We could also have a team-building event and some interactive games and art creativity workshops for the audience to be able to express themselves through different forms of creative expression related to LGBTQ+ themes.

Provide one of your resources, OTHER THAN A WEBSITE.(Write reference using APA Style of citation)

Miller, B., & Timke, E. (2021). LGBTQ+ Marketing: An Interview with P&G’s Brent Miller. Advertising & Society Quarterly 22(3), https://doi.org/10.1353/asr.2021.0037.

Approval Status: Approved

You WIll Not Start The Annotated Bib Until Your Topic Has Been Approved

Annotated Bibliography(AB)

Due By Class Time: March 14 by class time

The AB is due by . This is a team project, and each team member must play an active role in the preparation of the paper and presentation.  To prepare for the paper portion of the project each team member will be responsible for identifying and sharing your research.  Each of YOU will be responsible for contributing to resources. Each of You will find 3 good literature resources. These cannot be websites. Your Annotated Bibliography will include an APA citation of the source and 2 paragraphs, 1st paragraph summarizes the source and the 2nd paragraph will discuss how you would use the resource in your project. Write your name at the beginning of your section.

C. Herald

Brody, E. (2021, October 29). Branding being true: visibility politics and Nike’s engagement with LGBTQ+ communities. Taylor & Francis Online. 

   This article is about the documentation of Nike’s history with its current engagement with the LGBTQ+ community. The documentation coincides with the launch of Nike’s Be True initiative in 2012. The author validates Nike’s authenticity in siding with the community by citing their initiatives and then showing the reception, as well as if their actions have matched their words of support towards the LGBTQ+. It also shows how Nike plays safe and benefits by being outwardly supportive of the subject of LGBTQ+ in sports politics and advertising.

   The article will be used in our project to show a shining example of how a shoe/athleisure company successfully navigated marketing to and about the LGBTQ+ community. As well as a guide on how to structure the approach that we will be presenting to FILA so that they can have a better DEI understanding within the workplace and within their advertising.

Champlin, S., & Lin, M. (2020, May 23). Communicating Support in Pride Collection Advertising: The Impact of Gender Expression and Contribution Amount. Taylor & Francis Online.

   This article analyzes the differing reception by both the LGBTQ+ and non-affiliated consumers of numerous brands. Including how they receive seeing gender expression, non-profit contributions, and LGBTQ+ symbolism within advertisements and marketing campaigns. It also highlights the success of a company showing its social awareness with consumers. Proving the effectiveness of social responsibility campaigns. 

   The article will be used in our project to point towards the type of imagery and focus that should be prioritized in producing a proper and effective campaign strategy. It will also prove to show what and what not to implement in our presentation in terms of statistics and demographics. It will also be a basis of comparison for how non-affiliated consumers will still play into the development of proper DEI strategies and marketing towards the LGBTQ+ community.

Northey, G., Dolan, R., Etheridge, J., Septianto, F., & van Esch, P. (2020, June 1). LGBTQ Imagery in Advertising How Viewers’ Political Ideology Shapes Their Emotional Response to Gender And Sexuality in Advertisements. Journal of Advertising Research.

   This article is about the influences of gender depictions upon consumers. Regarding LGBTQ+ points of interest and even other gender-related concepts that affect consumers like masculinity, etc. The article also hones on how the factor of politics influence the company-consumer relationship and the strength of bias in consumer reception based on political ideologies.

   The use of this article in the project will be to focus on the political impact that is had upon these topics in marketing and consumer behavior that cannot go unaddressed when tackling marketing towards the specific community. It will show how gender is used in marketing strategies and how to perform targeted marketing without pitfalls and feeding into bias. Bias on both ends of the consumer and the company.

Dean Musialowicz 

Kipnis, E., Demangeot, C., Pullig, C., Cross, S. N. N., Cui, C. C., Galalae, C., Kearney, S., Licsandru, T. C., Mari, C., Ruiz, V. M., Swanepoel, S., Vorster, L., & Williams, J. D. (2021). Institutionalizing diversity-and-inclusion-engaged marketing for multicultural marketplace well-being. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(2), 143–164. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743915620975415 

This journal article covers many different aspects of the multicultural marketplace. The article identifies three interconnected fields that are part of the marketing institution. These three sections are considered as research, education, and practice. The authors also go on to identify many of the barriers that inhibit the successful execution of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Additionally, the authors provide specific guidance for ways to make changes within marketing fields while also mentioning policy developments that are needed in order to promote diversity and inclusion.

We can use this information to relate to our project in many ways. Although this journal article is not directly about the lgbtq+ community, it is an excellent example of how changes can be made to create an inclusive and diverse marketing strategy. This journal article is a great example of how certain practices foster a more understanding, equitable, and diverse consumer environment. This directly correlates to how we can market our product to the LGBTQ+ community in a propper manner.

Linda Tuncay Zayer, Catherine A. Coleman & Lauren Gurrieri (2023) Driving Impact through Inclusive Advertising: An Examination of Award-Winning Gender-Inclusive Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 52:5, 647-665


This article is about the impact of diverse,equitable and inclusiv Inclusive advertising towards are genders. The research reenvisions inclusive advertising towards all genders with a strengthened focus on impact. The article also talks about how in recent years  there has been a significant surge in efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the advertising industry. The initiatives of the movement have been marked by a variety of regulatory bodies such as industry groups and institutional collaborations including the inclusion of diverse genders.

We can use this article because marketing and advertising are closely related. It is almost impossible to use one of these terms without pointing out the importance of the other. Te article will help us understand how to create progressive and inclusive portrayals of our products and ideas while being able to abstain from harmful depictions of people. We can use this source to understand that the advertising industry has long been criticized for its portrayals of gender. It has been found that gender inclusivity is an especially important issue in the area of advertising.

Willingham, A. J., & Scottie, A. (2022, Jun 30). The truth about common LGBTQ misconceptions. CNN Wire Service http://libproxy.temple.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/wire-feeds/truth-about-common-lgbtq-misconceptions/docview/2682319715/se-2

This article speaks about some common misconceptions of the LGBTQ+ community. Some of these misconceptions go as far as touching the faith of people who are part of the community. Some of the other misconceptions that the article talks about are weather or not someone is actually transgender. The article talks about how some,but not all, trans and nonbinary people change their clothing, appearance, pronouns, and name in order to live their genuine life.

We can use this source in many ways. It is important for our LGBTQ+ training to be well versed and caught up to date. We do not want staff members assuming that someone who is part of the community might still be a follower of faith. We also could use this this source because it explains that we can market some products as gender nuetral so that we can encompass all types of people. This might help stop the chances of offending any particular members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Evan Bidwell

Miller, B., & Timke, E. (2021). LGBTQ+ Marketing: An Interview with P&G’s Brent Miller. Advertising & Society Quarterly 22(3), https://doi.org/10.1353/asr.2021.0037.

In this interview, P&G’s Brent Miller shared his thoughts and insights on the importance of LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the advertising space. Miller goes into depth about how representation matters and how his company P&G has been committed to diverse and authentic storytelling with their advertising. He discusses that in order to connect with the LGBTQ+ community, you need to understand their unique experiences and challenges. Another key point was that brands need to focus on genuine allyship and driving social change. This interview overall really put into perspective the value of inclusive marketing tactics when trying to foster equality. 

We can use this article in our project because it directly targets marketing to LGBTQ+ and their community. It highlights key aspects of advertising campaigns and how to reach and understand the community. THis interview does a great job at finding what the LGBTQ+ community wants to see in a marketing campaign and how to really understand the market so that your not just selling a product but creating change with it which really highlights what we want to create with our project. 

Shepherd, S., Chartrand, T. L., & Fitzsimons, G. J. (2021). Sincere, not sinful: political ideology and the unique role of brand sincerity in shaping heterosexual and LGBTQ consumers’ views of LGBTQ ads. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 6(2), 250–262. https://doi.org/10.1086/712608

This is a study that goes into the complicated relationship of political ideology and brand sincerity when trying to market towards LGBTQ+ consumers. This article suggests that sincere portrayals of LGBTQ+ people in advertising can positively influence both group’s attitudes, regardless of political group. But, conservative individuals do respond more favorably to sincere depictions compared to liberals. The research underlines the importance of sincerity when doing LGBTQ+ advertising and how it can bring together different ideologies and create an understanding and acceptance. 

We can use this article to help find exactly what ways we want to reach our LGTBQ+ audience. We can shape our campaign to bring levels of sincerity that will influence all ideologies and bring people together rather than splitting them apart. Creating social change and positivity through our campaign can play a pivotal role in our marketing efforts. 

E. Nicole Melton & Jeffrey D. MacCharles (2021) Examining sport marketing through a rainbow lens, Sport Management Review, 24:3, 421-438, DOI: 10.1080/14413523.2021.1880742

This article explores the intersection of sport marketing and LGBTQ+ inclusion. This study goes into depth on how sport organizations and brands can effectively engage with their LGBTQ+ audiences and consumers. It highlights the importance of brands being authentic, representing the community, and having sensitivity. By using these marketing strategies and targeting these demographics, marketers can create campaigns that the LGBTQ+ community can fully resonate and connect with. The research also shows how we can create a more inclusive sporting culture with these campaigns. Enhancing brand image, driving customer engagement, and creating positive social impacts are ways these LGBTQ+ marketing strategies can enhance organizations and businesses. 

This article goes into exactly what we want our marketing strategies to represent. With our company being a sporting company, we can use the research done with other sporting companies in the article to see how we can create an inclusive marketing campaign for our customers. We want customers to feel that we are not only pushing for change, but are actively involved in that change so that they believe in us and our product. 

Evan Koch

Melton, Nicoloe. “Faculty Research: Embracing Inclusivity in Sport Marketing.” 1 Mar. 2022.https://www.isenberg.umass.edu/news/faculty-research-embracing-inclusivity-sport-marketing

This article lets us know some of the many positives that would come from being more open towards the LGBTQ+ community. The article states that LGBTQ+ community has a buying power of somewhere near $1 trillion. She says the community is full of active spenders as well. She also brings the points up that in male dominated sports such as football, the number of openly gay players can be counted on one hand. She says this could be because football is viewed as a masculine sport. 

This article can help us with our project I believe because it shows that the LGBTQ+ community would be willing to support us if we try having sports be a safer place for the community. I think another take away from this article is that we have some things we need to do in the sports world not only for fans inside the LGBTQ+ community to feel safe, but the players in the community. 

Denison, Erik. “Reviewing Evidence of LGBTQ+ Discrimination and Exclusion in Sport.” 2021. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1016/j.smr.2020.09.003?needAccess=true

This article starts off by providing us with some historical information on LGBTQ+ community. The article discusses some of the discrimination some of the LGBTQ+ athletes, coaches, and even staff deal with inside the world of sports. This article goes into some of the stigmas surrounded by the LGBTQ+ community and how these contribute to the discrimination. The article also explores mental health and how this discrimination can really affect somebody. 

This article is an important tool when thinking about what the LGBTQ+ community faces in their daily lives. This article brings up many situations inside of sports where weather its an athlete or somebody else they face discrimination for being in the LGBTQ+ community. I believe the section titled, “Impact of stigma and discriminatory language in sport” has a lot of usable information because it shows that even in youth sports these kids are facing discrimination. I think bringing up the mental health impact that this discrimination has on people is also something that we can use from this.

Waldron, Travis. “Nike’s Pro-LGBT #BeTrue Shoes And The Fashion Of Acceptance In Sports.” 2023.https://archive.thinkprogress.org/nikes-pro-lgbt-betrue-shoes-and-the-fashion-of-acceptance-in-sports-e4dea266ffbc/

This article takes a look at the company Nike and what it has recently done with signing openly gay athlete Brittany Greiner. It is no secret Nike is an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, and they proved that when they signed Brittany Greiner. They started a #BeTrue clothing line of rainbow clothes. This line of clothing is meant for everybody, but it sends the message to the LGBTQ+ community that they are with them and support them. Nike is a very successful company and they have a great background in DEI.

I dont think it’s a coincidence that Nike is a very successful company and has a big background in DEI. I think for our project we can use a source like this to help us go in the right direction. Nike is a company that has high standards when it comes to DEI, and I think that’s how every company should be run. I think for our project we could possibly look back on this source and think about how Nike signing the first openly gay athlete was so big for both the LGBTQ+ community and sports brands all over. This is extremely important I believe because the LGBTQ+ community is so close where if an athlete a part of the community signs with a sponsor then that sponsor will definitely get business.

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