Write a 2-4 page essay( double spaced, size 12 font , Times New Roman) on one of the following topics.
1) Describe Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics
2) Describe Aquinas’ conception of the fundamental values; can natural law change? if so how so?
3) How does Bentham argue for Utilitarianism in chapter one of his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation?
4)Explain Mill’s account of quality of pleasure; how does his account differ from that of Bentham?
5) Explain the difference in Kant between acting in accord with
duty and acting from duty; explain how this distinction relates to moral
parenthetical references. Don’t place urls in the body of your paper;
cite online sources by authors name or article title. Place urls at the
end of the paper in the work cited page in standard form. Every student
is encouraged to submit drafts of papers to upswing.io for proofreading.