The Rwandan genocide and how Belgian policies lead to the Hutu versus Tutsi rivalry

Here are the instructions:

This project is a review of current events related to globalization that requires students to use information sources from three different national or regional perspectives, then compare and contrast how each source differently represents an issue or topic in current international affairs. All papers should be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins, and include HTML links to the individual online articles that you cite. You may also opt to include a list of references/bibliography. 

Choosing a topic: In most cases, it is better choose a topic that focuses on a specific region/nation or an issue that we have covered so far in this class; however, you are free to choose any topic. This will allow you to link key concepts from our International Studies course with the specific case-studies you select. When choosing a topic, think about the impact of the topic/issue on the lives of the people involved. Look for various/contrasting points of view on the topic, and try to figure out how different sources approach and write about your chosen topic. Your media project should pay attention to the different groups involved who may have different interests at stake in how the topic is portrayed in media coverage. 

Questions/Issues to consider for Media Project:

1. An important part of the research process is to determining the ideological leanings or biases of certain media sources (which may require you to do some background investigation of your sources). You should describe the sources of your information: Is the content author identified or not? Who are the contributors? How does this source of information fund or support their operations?

2. What information is the same in the three sources? What information is different? Is there an explanation given that would justify any differences, or can you provide your own explanation?

3. In your own words, what are the relevant key concepts from international studiesHow do these sources serve as examples of these concept(s).


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