The Flight from Conversation” by Sherry Turkle, published in The New York Times, April 21, 2012.

“Contaminated Water” Proofreading Practice WRT101
Every year contaminants from agricultural fertilizers and dairy waste find
(its/their) way into hundreds of rural family wells. The contaminants seep into
underground (stream/streams) which (is/are) the water source for the wells and
often (supply/supplies) the water.
Many of the more potent fertilizers (has/have) been banned by the state.
Today’s agricultural fertilizers still (retain/retains) some contaminating elements if
concentrated in large quantities. Many of the wells tested by the county’s water
department (exceed/exceeds) the maximum level of contaminants for drinkable
water; as a consequence, many rural families (drink/drinks) bottled water.
Recently, a rural resident filled a lawsuit against local farmers (they/he)
want the farmers to pay for the purification process required to make the
contaminated water drinkable. In addition they are seeking an injunction against
the farmers from using any fertilizer containing the contaminants. In the past such
lawsuits took years to process (provided/providing) little relief from the problem.
Arguing that their livelihood is dependent on fertilizing their crops, local
farmers (continue/continues) to use the fertilizers which (exacerbate/exacerbates)
the problem further. Contaminants from older fertilizers (was/were) more
potent than today’s fertilizers can remain in water sources for many years, thereby
mixing with the more current contaminants to produce a toxic brew. The problem
of water contamination in large agricultural areas (has/have) always existed. While
the situation is better today than it was twenty years ago, it is still unacceptable to
anyone concerned about the quality and safety of (his or her, their) water.  Please carefully proofread “Contaminated Water” and submit

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