A twelve-year-old girl presents with a 4-day history of anterior R knee pain. Her mother reports that her daughter reports it occurs after running, jumping, and walking down stairs. When she sits on the couch or lays in pain the pain subsides.
Physical Exam: Tenderness to palpation over R knee tibial tubercle, mild swelling is present, pain with knee extension, Neg. Lachman’s maneuver, and normal neurovascular exam. DTRs are 2+, lower extremity pulses are 3+.
Radiological results: Superficial ossicle in the patellar tendon. Thickening also viewed of the patellar tendon.
- What are the differentials for consideration?
- What diagnostic evaluations constitute the ongoing assessment of children with this diagnosis?
- What are the acute and chronic complications associated with the child’s condition?
- What treatment plan would you develop for this child?
- What pertinent educational information would you provide the parent (guardian) for the care of this child?