Your midterm (or research paper outline) should be composed of a tentative introduction, a detailed outline of your final research paper (not only the tentative structure / parts but also ideas you’ll explore in each of them, some more background information, quotes, etc), and, optionally, a tentative conclusion. Your midterm should also include a section explaining difficulties you are encountering, these you overcame (and how), as well as things you might explore to enhance your final research paper. Finally, you’ll need to add a bibliography with at least ten different sources you used to further your understanding of the issue you choose to study. What I really want you to deliver is something that would help me direct you in the best direction for your final paper.
To make things easy on you, there are sample Midterms in the “samples” section of your course work. They’re relatively long but, as you’ll realize, it’s a lot of quotes, notes and bullet points and then a bibliography at the end. There is no word count to hit for this assignment but I think it should be no less than 8 pages and no more than 20 (double-spaced).
Research Proposal: Understanding Terrorism and Challenging Stereotypes
Terrorism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has profound implications for societies worldwide. Despite its widespread impact, the term “terrorism” is often associated with
specific groups or individuals, leading to stereotypes and biases. This research proposal aims to explore the concept of terrorism, examine whether it is unfairly attributed to certain groups, particularly Muslim communities, and investigate the underlying factors shaping perceptions and narratives surrounding terrorism.
What is the definition of terrorism, and how has it evolved over time? Are Muslim individuals or communities disproportionately labeled as terrorists compared to other groups? What voices and perspectives dominate discussions about terrorism, and why? How do negative stereotypes of certain communities contribute to the perpetuation of biased narratives about terrorism? Who benefits from these stereotypes and who is harmed, both on an individual and societal level? What factors contribute to the prevalence of these stereotypes, and how can they be challenged?
The goal of this research is to further our understanding of terrorism and how it is portrayed in the media, in public conversation, and in society views. In order to further inclusivity, diversity, and social justice, this research aims to challenge preconceptions and draw attention to the disproportionate designation of Muslim populations as terrorists.
What constitutes terrorism describing and charting the development of terrorism over time. Examine the various definitions of terrorism held by academics, governments, and international organizations. Consider how these definitions have changed over time. Measurement and Evaluation Analyze the prevalence of stereotypes associated to terrorism using quantitative methodologies, paying special attention to the disproportionate categorization of Muslim groups. Public opinion polls, official documents, social media.Take into account how perceptions about terrorism are perpetuated by taking into account the intersectionality of identities, such as gender, race, religion, and ethnicity.