I am looking for someone to write my research paper based on the research question written in the title. The entire paper is supposed to be 4,000-5,000 words. The research paper must follow a specific format, as follows:
1. Abstract:
Short and to the point
About 100 words
2. Introduction
Include a large subsection on the gap in the research, as this is critical. This academic paper is supposed to have a survey conducted on various grape famers and vineyard land owners. You can make up whatever “results” that you want for this survey. I want you to discuss the literature in the feild and mainly provide a rich analysis of adressing gaps in the research. For example, in this source, https://oeno-one.eu/article/view/2420, its stated that “Although the vine is a drought resistant Mediterranean species (Chaves et al., 2010), specific adaptations in plant material or viticultural techniques are necessary to maintain vine growing at economically sustainable yields while producing high quality wines under increasingly warm and dry climates.” The same source also mentions that “Compared to the other adaptations to increasingly warm and dry conditions under climate change, wide spacings offer a cost effective and easy to implement alternative, with minimal environmental impact.” which is why I emphasized wide spacing in my research question as a adaptation atrategy amid rising temperature and drought. My main gap is that there are many studies on these adaptation strategies individually, but there are minimal places where farmers can resort to to find the most cost effective and beneficial strategy compared to others in californias meditteranean climate.
Ive provided extremely important reference material for you down below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: bibiliography does not count for overall word count. the paper is supposed to be at least 4000 words but I assigned 4500 for wiggle room with the bibliography.