Final Submission: Research Proposal, Presentation, and Reflective Analysis for PSY 790 Capstone

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Review of the Literature

For my capstone project, I intend to focus on the impact of social media on adolescent mental health. This topic is particularly relevant given the pervasive use of social media among teenagers and the growing concerns about its effects on well-being. I chose this topic because it addresses a pressing issue affecting a vulnerable population, aligns with my background and interests in psychology, and has practical implications for both researchers and practitioners.

The target audience for this research includes psychologists, educators, parents, policymakers, and adolescents themselves. Psychologists and educators can benefit from understanding the psychological mechanisms underlying social media use and its effects on mental health to develop effective interventions and prevention strategies. Parents and adolescents need guidance on healthy social media use and coping strategies. Policymakers can use research findings to inform policies aimed at regulating social media platforms and promoting mental health.

Stakeholders involved in this project include researchers, mental health professionals, social media companies, educators, parents, and adolescents. Each stakeholder group has its own interests and concerns regarding social media use and mental health outcomes, highlighting the importance of considering multiple perspectives in research and intervention development.

Potential research questions for this project include:
1. How does the frequency and duration of social media use relate to adolescent mental health outcomes?
2. What are the underlying mechanisms through which social media use influences adolescent well-being?
3. How do individual differences (e.g., personality traits, social support) moderate the relationship between social media use and mental health?
4. What are the most effective strategies for promoting positive mental health and mitigating negative outcomes associated with social media use among adolescents?

These research questions aim to address the knowledge gap regarding the complex relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health, considering both risk factors and protective factors. By exploring these questions, we can better understand the nuanced effects of social media on well-being and develop evidence-based interventions to support adolescent mental health in the digital age.

Social media has become an integral part of adolescents’ lives, offering opportunities for social connection, self-expression, and information sharing. However, concerns have been raised about the potential negative impact of social media on adolescent mental health. This literature review aims to explore the current state of research on this topic, examining the various ways in which social media use may influence adolescent well-being.

Significance of the Topic:
Understanding the impact of social media on adolescent mental health is crucial for psychologists, educators, parents, policymakers, and adolescents themselves. Research in this area can inform interventions aimed at promoting positive mental health and mitigating negative outcomes associated with social media use among adolescents.

The capstone project is divided into three milestones are designed to scaffold the final project submission. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course outcomes:

Advocate for and extend psychology’s role and responsibility in promoting agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Adapt to shifting demands and ill-structured problems by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness of various information and potential courses of action
Design, conduct, and evaluate research through the lens of its potential to advance knowledge in psychology as well as the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Integrate psychological theories, methods, and research to generate new knowledge and promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Incorporate empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for collaboration and diversity of perspectives into efforts to promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Protect the integrity and professional responsibility of psychology through the demonstration of ethical comportment in all aspects of the profession.

For this capstone project, you must develop a research proposal and requirements for each component of the project are described below.

The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject research for this project. It is not necessary for this assignment. All human-subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board to protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects.

You are expected to develop a well-organized research concept paper that lays the foundation for a solid plan to implement research on the impact of social media on adolescent mental health. In your research proposal, you may choose to address either a theoretical or applied research problem.

For a theoretical research proposal, you must identify a gap in our understanding of a psychological phenomenon. Then describe how you propose to provide an explanation of psychological phenomena and variables through research.
For an applied research proposal, you must identify a real-world problem that directly affects the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, or organizations. Then propose an intervention to address the problem and how you will evaluate its use to solve the problem.
The following sections should be included in your research proposal:

Introduction/Problem. Describe the research problem, research questions, and target audience for the proposed study as outlined below.

Describe the problem (theoretical or applied), the purpose of the research, and the significance of the research.
If your research topic is theoretical and related to a gap in knowledge, clarify what is known and where the conflict or gap in knowledge exists.
If you choose an applied problem, identify the issue to be addressed. Include an accurate and detailed overview of the issue.
Include all information you think is necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis and foundation for understanding your chosen research topic. Also, include a theoretical framework or the theory that is guiding your proposal.
Develop well-formed research questions or a relevant intervention. Explain the significance of your topic and research or intervention within the field of psychology.
Describe the purpose of the proposed research and how it fits the research problem.
Identify assumptions and potential limitations associated with the identified problem or gap in knowledge or applied problem.
Discuss your target audience, such as academics, mental health professionals, organizations, or others.
Your target audience may be:
A broad audience for research oriented toward contributing to theory or
A specific organization or community for research focused on addressing applied problems and interventions
Your target audience will depend on your area of study.
If you are on a general track in this degree program, your research concept paper might center on researching a general issue in the area of psychology.
If you have a concentration in child and developmental psychology, your proposed research must focus on a specific psychological need or issue surrounding children, adolescents, and/or teens.
If you have a concentration in industrial and organizational psychology, your proposed research must focus on factors contributing to the advancement of an organization’s performance through application of psychology.
Discuss why your research would be relevant for this audience.
Include how your research will help address understanding of a phenomenon or
Include how your research will help an organization address a critical problem.
Literature Review. Analyze and synthesize previous scholarly peer-reviewed findings on the theory and research related to your research question into a review of literature relevant to your research proposal as outlined below.

Organize the literature review so it provides the following:
Background on your proposed research and how it fits into the field of psychology and gaps in research
Review the contribution of existing research and theory to your research question.
A logical argument for your proposed research
Synthesize findings from multiple sources to communicate the message you want to convey.
Research Design. Provide a detailed plan to collect and analyze data including methodology, design, data-management tools and sources of data as outlined below.

Describe the research method or methods, design, data collection, analysis, and overall process to be used in the research study.
Justify your selections using logic and specific evidence.
Explain how your selections fit your research (questions).
Applied research proposals involving implementation of interventions must have a program evaluation component in the research design.
Discuss the reliability and validity of proposed data-collection tools and measurements.
Ethical Considerations. Thoroughly explain the ethical considerations related to your research topic and proposed study.

Address the ethical considerations associated with each of the following:
The problem
The population under study
The data-collection instruments and their analysis
Other aspects of the study with ethical ramifications
Incorporate peer-reviewed literature and relevant codes of conduct (i.e., the American Psychological Association).
Conclusion. Summarize your study and explain why your proposed research is significant.

Highlight the practical implications of your potential findings for your target audience(s).
Analyze the potential contribution of your research to the field of psychology.
What to Submit
Your research proposal should be submitted as a 15- to 20-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point font, and one inch margins. It should include a title page, a table of contents, references, and (if applicable) appendices in American Psychological Association (APA) style. In the “real world,” there are usually no page-length requirements, so the given page range is a suggestion, and you should use your professional judgment regarding the length of your paper. You may include illustrations, photographs, graphs, charts, and other non-textual materials as needed to support your research concept. If you include non-text materials in your paper, format them in APA style. Refer to the module resources and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (required in previous courses) for guidance in APA style formatting.

This assignment will consist of 3 Milestones and each milestone should be individually as well as together to create the final and finished 15-20 page research proposal.

Milestone One: Resource Collection
In Module Two, you will collect potential peer-reviewed resources for your proposal. Summarize the literature in a three- to five-page paper. Discuss how each resource relates to your research questions or intervention you have chosen. In this paper, you may summarize each article in preparation for the synthesis you will do as part of Milestone Two. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course.

Milestone Two: Literature Review
In Module Four, you will write a five- to seven-page paper integrating your review of the existing research and theory and relating it to your fully developed topic. Organize your review so that it provides a logical argument for the background of your proposed research and how your research fits into the big picture. Revise your research questions and support for the basic or applied study based on feedback. Appropriately synthesize the literature into the message you want to convey. Draw from multiple sources to communicate your points. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course.

Milestone Three: Methodology, Design, and Data
In Module Six, you will write a five- to seven-page paper in which you describe the methodology, design, and data-management tools you plan to use in your research proposal. Include a detailed plan to collect and analyze data. Define the process from the selection of participants (and stakeholders, as applicable) through data collection to data analysis, including any limitations and assumptions. Provide a detailed plan to collect and analyze data and disseminate findings. Include all ethical considerations. Paint a picture of the entire process used to conduct the study. If your proposal involves implementation of interventions, include a program evaluation component that describes your research design. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course.

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