Purpose: Review an assessment for emergent bilingual learners to evaluate validity, reliability, and bias.
Task: Review a language proficiency assessment for emergent bilingual learners and identify the name of the assessment, targeted population, purpose(s) of the assessment, and components in the assessment. Analyze the test items for validity, reliability, and potential bias focused specifically on emergent bilingual learners.
Identify a language proficiency assessment for emergent bilingual learners. Explain the name of the assessment, targeted population, purpose of the assessment, components, and scoring procedure for the assessment. One option is the WIDA ACCESS test. Explore the ACCESS for ELLs website and read the relevant information. If you are in the early childhood setting, you can review the pre-IPT oral assessment for 3-5 years old (some sample test items are available: http://bt-helpdesk.com/samples/EnglishPreIPTOral.pdf). The IPT I oral should be used for 2nd semester K. * Educators can register on the site to download some sample test items: http://www.ballard-tighe.com/ipt/downloads/.
- Review the sample test items appropriate for the grade level of your emergent bilingual learners from different language domains (e.g., listening, speaking, reading and writing).
- Try the test items with emergent bilingual learners and gather assessment data.
- Examine the test for validity, reliability, and potential bias focused specifically on emergent bilingual learners. Use evidence from the assessment instrument, assessment data you gathered from the student(s), and course materials as evidence to support your evaluation of the key assessment constructs. Definitions and examples of validity, reliability, and test bias are introduced in the course module and can be reviewed here: https://www.cal.org/flad/flad-tutorial/ and http://edglossary.org/test-bias/.
- Multimodal format is welcome. Use pseudonyms to respect privacy rights.
- It needs to be in earlychildhood 3-5 years old, city of Chicago IL.