Why after the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies and people left California State?

You are expected to select a
research question to be answered via Data Analytics, decide on the dataset(s)
to be utilized, determine what analysis is appropriate to answer your question,
and carry out the necessary data analysis. These can be easier identification or
descriptive analytics, or you may pursue more complexity predictive or
diagnostic analytics. Easier research questions done well will score similarly
to more difficult questions done well, there will be no point penalty for
choosing more manageable tasks.

As part of the process, you may
should undertake descriptive analytics and diagnostic analytics. If you wish,
you may undertake predictive analytics as well.

The deliverable is a write-up
detailing the research question, why it is interesting, the methods utilized,
and the findings of the research. The expectation is 3-4 pages double spaced
including tables and figures.

The following are links to some
publicly available datasets. You may also use any other publicly available
dataset such as those of the census bureau.

to an external site.


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