The purpose of this project is to personally and deeply think about who you are as a language learner. You will write a personal autobiography/narrative (minimum 2,000 words) reflecting on your own L2 learning experience, using SLA theories and concepts covered in this course to analyze your personal experience, and make suggestions to improve your L2 learning / teaching. You may want to use a metaphor for language learning. For example, a friend once said that her languages were like houses in her mind. She built them up at various points in her life using various building materials, in various 3 states of completion and sizes, and built for various purposes. In writing your paper, you will be required to make explicit connections between your own experiences, and language learning concepts that we have covered in class.
Use the font TIMES NEW ROMAN, font size 12. Your paragraphs should be double-space.
In addition, ALL papers should follow the APA reference style. For details, consult the APA manual or the following websites:
1. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual (6th ed.).Washington, DC: APA.
2. Purdue Writing Lab – Online Citation Guide and APA guidelines