8 page paper on How the
automobile industry changed the lives of American consumers. Ideas would
include, but not limited to: 1.) The onset of automobile dealerships 2.)
Automobile repair shops 3.) Manufacturing jobs 4.) Development of highways 5.)
The growth of suburban neighborhoods 6) and businesses and restaurants
including agriculture and fast food 7) Supply
and demand 8) Health
statistics on being overweight as more Americans’ could afford cars and
exercised less 9) Police and the Laws Established Due to Vehicle Accidents and
safety features added in all vehicles to protect pedestrians and the drivers
10) The travel industry 11.) Has it continued to change our lives over the last
120 years? Please include an appendix in the beginning and work cited on
the last page.
some sources
that I have begun researching to support the points mentioned above.
- [The Growth of the Automobile Industry and Its
Economic Impact](https://www.ushistory.org/us/46a.asp - https://www.deloitte.com/global/en/our-thinking/insights/topics/economy/spotlight/automobile-impact-us-economy.html
[Henry Ford’s Revolution of the Automobile