People are the key to successful organizations. The ability to recruit and retain talent is a primary responsibility of Human Resource Management. Within the aviation industry, recruiting talent with the appropriate licenses and certifications adds a level of complexity not found in other industries. A Human Resource specialist is also responsible for compliance with appropriate labor laws, which have developed over the years due to abuse or other factors.
People play an important role in operations and the functional responsibility for attracting, retaining, and ensuring organizational compliance with employment law is tasked to Human Resource Management.
In this assignment, you will compose a minimum 500-word informative essay (2–3 pages), in addition to the title and reference pages. You will demonstrate your ability to explain the three principles of employment law into the duties of HR within the aviation industry. You will also describe the 21st Century labor market trends for flight and maintenance. You will articulate a talent recruitment strategy using the elements of recruitment and selection processes, and develop a program for a new hire orientation plan.
Explain the basic functions of human resource management within the aviation industry.
People are the key to successful organizations. The ability to recruit and retain talent is a primary responsibility of Human Resource Management. Within the aviation industry recruiting talent with the appropriate licenses and certifications adds a level of complexity not found in other industries. A Human Resource specialist is also responsible for compliance with appropriate labor laws which have developed over the years due to abuse or other factors.
People play an important role in operations and the functional responsibility for attracting, retaining, and ensuring organizational compliance with employment law is tasked to Human Resource Management.
In this assignment, you will compose a minimum 500-word informative essay (2–3 pages), in addition to the title and reference pages. You will demonstrate your ability to explain the three principles of employment law into the duties of HR within the aviation industry. You will also describe the 21st Century labor market trends for flight and maintenance. You will articulate a talent recruitment strategy using the elements of recruitment and selection processes, and develop a program for a new hire orientation plan.
Compliance, Staffing, and Retention
- Explain the importance of the three elements of employment law: discrimination, safety, and compensation.
- Define talent recruitment, selection, and orientation.
- Describe a talent recruitment plan.
- Describe a talent selection plan.
- Describe a new hire orientation plan.
- Describe the labor market forecasts for pilots and mechanics globally.
- Your assignment is composed of one Microsoft® Word® document and includes a current APA formatted title page with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number, and section number, and date. The document is 5-6 full pages (including the title, mind map, branch descriptions, and reference page), double-spaced, 12-font, 1-inch top, side, and bottom margins.
- It must be in current APA format with citations to your sources, and your reference page should list all references used. For additional help with writing an informative essay and APA style, visit the Writing Center accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
- Ensure you are properly paraphrasing from your sources. For a refresher on paraphrasing, view this short Guide to Paraphrasing video and explore the additional resources prior to starting your assignment. You can access tutorials, how-to videos, tutoring services, and more by visiting the Academic Success Center.
- Be sure to include the criteria located below within your paper for the following:
- Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
- Your writing should follow the conventions of Standard English with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Your writing should be well ordered, logical, unified, original, and insightful.