comparative analysis of Kingsolver’s Demon Copperhead and Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys


Conduct a comparative analysis of Kingsolver’s Demon Copperhead and Colson Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys with a focus on social criticism (see Lecture 3, slides 3-4, 6, 8).  What are the authors attempting to expose, criticize and/or discuss as regards social criticism? What do their social commentaries have in common and in what ways do they differ? Make sure your discussion takes place on the micro level with specific examples from the novels rather than sweeping statements on the macro level. You should subsequently provide a quote from each of the novels to support every major claim that you make. Try to weave back and forth between the novels for a cohesive and interesting text. In the summary/conclusion, you may present a limited number of general conclusions based on your detailed discussion in the body of the paper.

The comperative analysis should include a heading/title of your own making, a short introduction, as in an article, a body and a conclusion/summary. Support your claims by providing several quotes form the novels in focus. Remember to include page numbers and a reference list (*see quoting example below). This reference list** will only contain two books but is vital all the same. Do not use outside sources as there is no room in the essay for this. However, it is recommended that you refer to some information from one of the lectures in the introduction of the essay to provide a brief connection point and to make the paper appear more like an article than an assignment.  Furthermore, you should aim for formal vocabulary/Academic English throughout. 

*Quoting example – APA 7:

Setsuko seemed hesitant and embarrassed when she dealt with her father. “Forgive me, I simply meant to suggest that Father may wish to speak to certain acquaintances from his past. That is to say, before the Saitos’ detective does” (Ishiguro, 2001, p.85). Her subservience to her father is also evident in this segment… 

Please note that you only need to cite the author, year, and page number/numbers once in each paragraph, unless you switch to another novel/author within the same paragraph. In other words, that means that if you cite the same author twice in a row, you only need to provide the page number within brackets, for example (p. 92).


**Reference list example:

Ishiguro, K. (2001). An Artist of the Floating World. Faber.  

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