(A) Write a summary of your learning and insights from your experience. Provide some background of your group (e.g. describe the team composition, team norms, etc) and critically discuss what you learned from the experience. For example, were there any surprises or unexpected discoveries? How has this experience contributed to your personal or academic growth?
(B) Drawing on one key concept, theory, or framework from Topic 9 in this subject, identify and explain one challenge or obstacle to team performance you encountered. Discuss what could have been done to eliminate or reduce the identified barrier(s) to team performance.
(C) Drawing on one key concept, theory, or framework from Topic 10 of this subject, analyse the contrasting dynamics of two of your team members and compare the effectiveness of each member’s styles. (You may include yourself as one of the two team members analysed).
*No introduction or conclusion is required. As a general guide, responses to Task A, Task B, and Task C should be roughly equal in word count.
**Responses to Task A, Task B, and Task C need to include specific, detailed examples from your team experience. Use your journal as a basis from which to draw out details. For example, state specific weeks, the events that occurred, the team members involved, the topics discussed, and specifics of the of the disagreements (i.e., who said what, then what happened etc).
*** In response to Task B and Task C you need to use and cite relevant academic OB literature when defining concepts, theories, and frameworks (provide in-text citations and references at the end of the assignment).
****We recommend you consider the following publications to identify relevant articles: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, British Journal of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Harvard Business Review.
You can be as creative as you want but I will include files of my team norm and content of week 9 and 10 for you to be more clear.