Title: “Understanding Employee Perception of the Effectiveness of the Human Resource Operating Model: A Qualitative Study on a Global Matrixed Management Structured Profit Organization”
Dissertation Plan:
I. Introduction and Problem Definition (Approx. 1,000 words)
A. Background and Rationale
1. Overview of the rise of global matrixed management structures
2. Importance of understanding employee perceptions for effective HR operating models
B. Problem Statement
1. Identification of gaps in current research on employee perceptions of HR operating models
2. Significance of addressing these gaps for organizational success
II. Context of Study (Approx. 1,000 words)
A. Introduction to Global Matrixed Management Structures
1. Definition and key features
2. Overview of the challenges and benefits associated with matrixed management
B. Importance of HR in Matrixed Management
1. Role of HR in supporting employees and managing complexities
2. Impact of HR practices on employee satisfaction and organizational performance
III. Literature Review (Approx. 3,000 words)
A. Historical Development of HR Operating Models
1. Evolution of HR operating models in organizational settings
2. Key milestones in the development of HR practices in matrixed management
B. Theoretical Framework
1. Theoretical perspectives on employee perceptions and organizational effectiveness
2. Models and frameworks for understanding HR operating models in global matrixed management structures
C. Employee Perception of HR Operating Models
1. Review of existing literature on employee perceptions in matrixed organizations
2. Factors influencing employee perception of HR effectiveness
IV. Research Objectives (Approx. 500 words)
A. Clear articulation of the main research questions and objectives
B. Alignment of research objectives with the identified gaps and challenges
V. Methodology (Approx. 1,500 words)
A. Research Design
1. Qualitative approach using interviews and focus groups
2. Justification for the chosen design
B. Participant Selection
1. Criteria for selecting participants from the global matrixed management organization
2. Recruitment and consent process
C. Data Collection
1. Detailed explanation of interview and focus group methodologies
2. Ethical considerations
D. Data Analysis
1. Thematic analysis of qualitative data
2. Rigorous process of ensuring data reliability and validity
VI. Findings (Approx. 1,000 words)
A. Presentation of key findings from the analysis
B. Illustrative quotes and examples to support findings
VII. Discussion (Approx. 1,000 words)
A. Interpretation of findings in the context of research objectives
B. Comparison with existing literature and theoretical frameworks
C. Implications for HR practices and employee satisfaction
VIII. Practical Implications and Future Research (Approx. 500 words)
A. Application of findings to HR practitioners and organizational leaders
B. Recommendations for improving HR operating models based on employee perceptions
C. Identification of potential avenues for future research in this field
IX. Limitations and Further Research (Approx. 500 words)
A. Recognition and discussion of limitations in the study
B. Suggestions for addressing these limitations in future research
X. Conclusion (Approx. 500 words)
A. Summary of key findings and their implications
B. Concluding remarks on the understanding of employee perceptions in the context of HR operating models in global matrixed management structures.
I want the essay to qualitatively analyse the interview transcripts provided identifying key themes linking to the question for the dissertation.