Introduction to Social Work Assignment #2 Ecological Analysis Part I: Personal Perspective

1. Using an ecological perspective, examine your own life situation to illustrate how various
systems influence you.
a) Identify five (5) systems that influence your everyday functioning. (You can use the
examples in the textbook/power point or develop your own.)
b) Define five (5) systems that influence your functioning.
When defining the system, you are to give your own personal definition. Refrain from giving
an example but define it in such a manner if a person had never experienced or heard of the
concept, they would understand.
An example of what NOT to do: My family includes my grandmother, parents, sisters, brother,
aunts, uncle, and cousins. This is a description and not a definition.
2. While interacting with systems, it is important to assess relationships. Remember as a part of
the Systems Model of Human Behavior, each system attempts to maintain homeostasis or
a. How does each of your identified systems provide resources and opportunities that
enhance your own social functioning?
b. Also, how does each system of your identified present challenges and barriers that
interfere with your social functioning?
*A barrier does not mean that the system is dysfunctional or does not work; it
means there is a hardship or something that has to be addressed.
3. Discuss the unique circumstances found in each of your identified systems. How is each system
unique to you and your circumstances? You are to give your assessment or justification of how
you believe your systems (defined in question #1) is unique.
4. Explain why these systems are important to you and your functioning. In your response discuss
the reciprocal relationship you have with each system. (This response should be a minimum of
five to seven (5-7) sentences.)
5. Attach a copy of an ecomap that illustrates the various systems influencing you. The ecomap is a
visual illustration of the above questions. Refer to Figure 2.1 on page 49 (slide 21) for the format
needed to complete.
When completing your ecomap, it should illustrate the systems you have discussed throughout
the assignment.
You may hand draw your ecomap, take a picture, and upload it with your assignment. Please do
not email.

A wraparound meeting has been convened to assist Ms. Foster with her needs including potential
custody changes for Amauri. The participants include Amauri’s Principal, Dr. Padu, and School Social
Worker, Ms. Leems, Elderly Services Case Manager, Mrs. Wiggins, the family’s pastor, Reverend Joseph,
and the family, Zandra, John, Kendrick, and Zauri.
Ms. Foster is a sixty-eight-year-old, mother of two daughters, Zandra and Zauri, and grandmother to
Amauri. She has experienced numerous health issues including diagnosis of high blood pressure, total
blindness in right eye, and debilitating arthritis. Ms. Foster was forced to resign from her position as
head of custodian at the local spa and resort due to periods of immobility due to arthritis flares; she is
able to receive monthly disability payments. She supplements her income by selling custom cakes and
desserts when her health allows. She is a lifelong member of Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Church,
where she is the chair of the Auxiliary Board (focused on community engagement) and teaches the
adolescent Sunday School courses. When she has periods of immobility, Ms. Foster uses Zoom to
continue to teach Sunday School. Ms. Foster is concerned about her decline in physical health. She
shares, “Mentally, I am sharp as a tack. I can remember my recipes, recite the books of the Bible, and
help my granddaughter with her homework. My body has just decided it doesn’t want to cooperate
with me anymore. That’s just a part of life. Now I have to develop a plan of what to do when it happens.
The doctor has explained my arthritis is so bad, he doesn’t understand how I am still able to walk or
stand. He does not know how long I will remain mobile. He has recommended a trial treatment that
involves six weeks of inpatient care and three weeks in a rehabilitation center. I have reviewed the
preliminary data and I think this is a good opportunity. However, I will not leave if I do not have my
granddaughter’s care arranged.” She continues, “It is mandatory, she attends school and brings up her
grades. She is NOT to have a part time job. She must continue to attend church every Sunday and youth
Bible Study on Thursdays. These are nonnegotiable. I will still have access to Zoom and FaceTime to
ensure it takes place. In terms of custody, I recommend, Zauri moves into my home temporarily to
decrease Amauri’s disruption. I understand she has her own home, but it is out of Amauri’s district and
will require a long commute or transferring. Zandra may continue to make contact via FaceTime as long
as she continues to be married to a convicted child abuser. I understand it was physical abuse and the
child was much younger than Amauri’s current age; however, we are avoiding any potential issues. If
Zauri feels comfortable supervising, Mr. Henton can continue visiting and building his relationship with

Following Ms. Foster’s input, Zandra objected to her mother’s suggestion about Amauri’s care. She
indicates, “Amauri is my daughter and it should be my decision regarding where she stays. I agreed to
my mother’s arrangements three years ago, thinking she would change her mind about my husband. I
do not want to parent via FaceTime and it places a strain on my relationship with my daughter. I want
to be able to take her to the movies or get her hair and nails done occasionally. I’m not a bad mother; I
was just young. It’s not fair for my mother to dictate what I can and cannot do for MY child. “
All parties agree to the terms outlined by Ms. Foster. The church and Reverend Jospeh commits their
support to Ms. Foster, Amauri, and the family.
Following the meeting, Amauri is made aware of the upcoming trial treatment and subsequent changes
by the school social worker. While this is typically outside of the scope of her duty, an allowance was
made due to their positive relationship and bond. Amauri shares, ““I’ve never had much to do with my
Mom and now my Grandmother is very ill. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to her. I’m so
worried. She is the most important person in my life. I know I’m only 15, but I’d rather be on my own
than have to stay with my Mom. I doubt she’d want me to live with her anyway. I actually have not seen
my mom since I was ten. She calls and claims she’s coming to visit me for my birthday, Christmas, or
some other random date, but she never does. It’s always some excuse about work either she’s starting a
new job or losing a job. I don’t even know how many “step-dads” I’ve had. It seems like every six months
there is some new guy who has promised her the world, but the only thing she has to show for it is a
broken-down car, a room at a motel for homeless people, and no room for me. I don’t know how
someone her age can be so clueless; a birdbrain. At least the latest guy actually married her. They’ve
been married for three years and I’ve only seen him through facetime.”
“I just met my dad last year. He lives in another state and my mother never told him about me. He was
attending our church via Zoom, recognized my grandmother when they announced her latest cake sale,
and reached out to order some cakes. I don’t know what they talked about because grandma says it’s
grown folks’ business, but he comes to visits me and is trying to find a job closer. He seems nice, but
everyone does in the beginning.

“I hate school. It doesn’t matter if I graduate or not. It’s not like I will have much of a future. It’s not like
I’m dumb, I just know there’s no money to go any further; so why try? The only reason I still go to school
is because I know my grandmother would get in trouble for my truancy which infuriates me. Why should
she get in trouble for something I make a choice not to do? Mr. Jemmings owns the corner store and he
said he’ll give me a job as a cashier when I turn 16 in a few months. After I get a job, I could at least
begin to help my grandmother with some of the expenses. It’s not her fault, her daughter dropped me
on her doorstep when I was three years old and never looked back. Maybe if she hadn’t worked so hard
cleaning other people houses and the resort, she wouldn’t be so sick now. At her age, she should have
been resting. I’m glad and scared about the treatment. It’s only nine weeks, but the longest we’ve been
apart is five days when my aunt Zauri took me to a play down south. I’m sure I’ll have fun with aunt
Zauri. She fun and lets me listen to music other than gospel.”
Background Information
John and Zandra met at a church event. Although they lived in different states, they had a long-distance
relationship. John was allowed to take the train to visit as long as they had Ms. Foster’s permission and
supervision. However, both skipped school often to meet in a neighboring city. This was discovered
when a snow storm stranded them in the city for three days. They were forced to break up and John
was sent to live with his grandmother for closer supervision in another state. Once Zandra discovered
her pregnancy, she did not tell her mother until she was six months and could no longer hide it. She lied
about the father; making up a name/identity. She attempted to make contact with John, but could not
locate him.
1. What need(s) are being addressed in this case scenario? (What is the problem(s) at hand?)
a. Identify the most immediate, pressing concern.
b. You may also include long-term concerns.
2. (a) Identify and discuss at least three systems Amauri interacts with based upon the information
provided in the above scenario.
(b) Identify and discuss at least two separate systems Amauri’s family unit interacts with based
upon the information provided in the above scenario.
• Refer to Chapter Two in the textbook and PowerPoint to assist in identifying such
3. Describe the type of relationship Amauri has with the three systems discussed in question #1.
Please provide at least one example for each to support your rationale (Basically, explain and
support why you feel the relationship is such).
a. When describing the system, consider is it a positive, negative, conflict riddled, or
tenuous/fragile relationship.
b. Keep in mind, we are discussing systems and not individual relationships.
4. Please identify and discuss at least three strengths present in Amauri’s environment. (This can
include interacting systems or individuals.)
• When responding to this question provide supporting information of how the
situation/system/individual is positive. what is positive.
5. In your opinion what resources are needed for (a) Amauri, (b) Ms. Foster, (c) Mr. & Mrs. Burton,
(d) Mr. Henton, and (e) the family as a whole?
a. Consider interventions and preventative methods that may be needed.
b. Consider this from a professional social work perspective.

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