Your essay must meet the following formatting requirements:
- Title
- strong thesis
- 5-7 pages
- double-spaced
- 1-inch margins
- Times New Roman font
- Page numbers in the lower right-hand corner.
Your essay must use three concrete historical examples drawn from course materials. One of
these examples must be a primary source. The other two examples can be from secondary
sources, and only one of these can be a lecture. You may use more sources; however, you should
make sure at all times that the sources are relevant to your argument and analysis. These
examples should be thoroughly discussed in the body paragraphs of your essay to support your
argument. Direct quotes, when appropriate, are expected, and will strengthen your essay.
For this essay, please use parenthetical citations: (Author’s Last Name, Page #). An example of
this would be:
Joe, in “Witnesses to Freedom,” argues that ____ (valasquez, page number)
How has race, race relations, and racism shaped modern Brazilian history (1822- present)? Write an essay in which you critically analyze the history of race in modern Brazil and its impact on the nation. Your essay should describe the historical evolution of race thinking in the country, from independence to abolition to redemocratization, while also making a clear argument about how race has played a role in shaping the nation.