Continue/elaborate on the topics from the discussion.
Please proof read carefully!
NOTE:You do not need to address all the questions.
Each story analysis requires at least 3 quotes, 2 quotes from the story and one quote from a classmate in the discussion (see examples below):
a) How to write a quote from the story:
Madame Bovary “wanted to die, but she also wanted to live in Paris” (Flaubert).
b) How to write a quote from a classmate’s discussion post:
I agree with Emily Pham, my classmate in English 1B, who argues that “Mama is the cause of her daughters’ conflicts.”
c) Do not have floating/hanging quotations, which are quotes without your own words, like a signal phrase.
Example floating quote: “Mama is the cause of her daughters’ conflicts” (Pham).
1) Min 200 word analysis on “Silver Water” with at least three quotes. Sample questions to answer:
How does the US mental health system let Rose and her family down in the story “Silver Water”? Have you or your family or friends tried to help someone and findn resources for someone severely mentally ill? What roadblocks did you face? How does Rose’s mental illness affect the family? What does a family need to do to stay together and strong for one another?
2) Min 200 word analysis on “Everyday Use” that has at least three quotes. Sample questions to answer:
Who do you sympathize/empathize with in “Everyday Use”? Can you see Dee’s side of the things? What is the sibling dynamic between Dee and Maggie? Do you have a sibling that you feel you have little in common or one who seems like a parent’s favorite? Why does Mama seem to favor Maggie (or maybe you think she favors Dee)?
Grade: 10 points for each answer and 10 points for writing quotes correctly