NOTE: I have already completed this paper and received a distinguished grade.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
APA format: Your submission—including the body, citations, and title and reference pages—needs to be in APA format and style guidelines. It needs to be well-written, include the headings specified in the instructions, and address the questions listed under each heading. (Issue Analysis and Leadership Action Plan )
All references must be cited in the text and all in-text citations must be listed on the reference page. For example, there are (Joint Commission, n.d.) and (Joint Commission Accreditation, n.d.) citations, but no reference for either. There is a Joint Commission, 2024 reference, but no citation. There are additional references that do not appear to be cited in the text. Please cross-references citations with references and vice versa to assure that all references are properly cited and all citations are properly referenced., The references are not in proper APA format (they should be double spaced. As noted previously, references should be listed in alpha order; the same font size, shade, color should be used throughout the document; the Reference Page should start on its own page. Please research proper in-text citation format when there are 3 or more authors, using APA 7 rules. In the attempt 1, I noted that there were some spacing errors.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
APA format: Your submission— including the body, citations, and title and references pages— needs to conform to current APA format and style guidelines. Make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well-written, without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. Also, you must cite your sources according to current APA guidelines. (Risk Management Policy and Procedure)