How do Eastern and Western philosophies of mental health differ in their approaches to understanding and treating depression?, and what are the implications for clinical psychology today?

Based on your annotated bibliography, submit an 8-10-page Expository essay to which you add 3 pages: (1) title page,  (3) reference page (textbook + 4 additional sources). Submit this writing assignment as a Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Number pages in the upper right hand corner. 

Annotated Bibliography: 

Thesis Statement: This essay aims to explore how Eastern and Western philosophies differ and how they have shaped their approaches to better understand and treat depression. Western clinical psychology emphasizes research based treatments such as cognitive behavioral interventions and medical treatment. Eastern philosophies emphasize holistic approaches that utilize acceptance, mindfulness, and meditation to treat depression. By comparing and combing the ideologies, epistemologies, and ontologies, of both traditions, we can better strengthen our treatment options for depression in a culturally diverse world. 

  1. Chung, M. C., & Hyland, M. E. (2012). History and Philosophy of Psychology.Wiley.

This source is the textbook we are currently using for this course, “History and Philosophy of Psychology” by authors Man Cheung Chung and Michael E. Hyland. Author Man Cheung Chung holds a B.A. and a Ph.D in psychology. Michael E. Hyland is a professor of research at the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth. The intended audience for this textbook are professors and students wanting to learn and study psychology. In their book, chapter thirteen is particularly important for my essay, as it focuses on the history of clinical psychology and the evolving philosophies of mental health. It examines the development of clinical psychology. As well as the developments of various mental health treatments through religious and natural science perspectives. Within this chapter, the authors, discuss the history of mental health treatments used to help treat patients with mental health issues, such as depression. Additionally, this chapter examines how mental illnesses were classified in the 19th century, which laid the groundwork for the DSM classification system. This chapter will support my essay by providing historical context and will show how various cultural perspectives on mental health have shaped clinical practices that are used to this day. 

  1. Zeuss, Jonathan, (2003). An Integrative Approach to Depression: Part 1 –Etiology. 

Complementary health practice review, 8(1), 9-24. 

Dr. Jonathan Zeuss is a holistic physician based in Arizona, who specializes in adult psychiatry. He has studied herbalism, nutrition, Asian medicine, and homeopathy. He is the author of The Natural Prozac Program: How to Use St. John’s Wort, the Antidepressant Herb. In the journal article “An Integrative Approach to Depression: Part 1- Etiology” Zeuss presents an integrative model for understanding depression which can become dysregulated. This article’s intended audience includes students studying psychology, as well as psychologists and psychiatrists interested in learning different approaches to treating depression. Zeuss delves into various theories from fields such as evolutionary biology, psychological, social, and spiritual perspectives that may serve as functions for depression. One interesting concept he discusses is that much like fighting off an infection, the body will essentially create a response to fight off depression. This theory resonates with eastern holistic beliefs. Zeuss emphasizes the importance of sleep in depressed patients, and shares that dreams are important in understanding depression. He later shares that depression emphasizes REM sleep, and measuring abnormal levels of REM sleep can even be used to diagnose a person with depression. This empirical evidence aligns with western research based beliefs. This source is valuable to my essay, as it examines various theories of depression from both eastern and western viewpoints, as well as including theories and evidence. 

  1. Mattila, A. A. (2001).‘Life at the Crossroads’-Depression: Towards a Philosophical 

Approach. Practical Philosophy.

Author of  “Life at the Crossroads:Depression Towards a Philosophical Approach” Antti, Mattila has practiced solution focused brief family therapy for ten years at The Kerava Child Guidance Center in Finland. He studied philosophy and has been practicing philosophical counseling since 1999. This article’s intended audience includes individuals such as researchers or students looking to learn about philosophical, historical, and psychological perspectives for depression. Mattila examines depression through a philosophical lens. Although this source may not directly compare eastern and western philosophies. It does, however, examine the western approach of existentialism, which views depression as a “crossroads” or a crisis and challenges one’s overall meaning in life. One historical perspective, examined in this article, states that melancholy/depression was seen as not only a challenge but also as an intellectual gift. Individuals suffering with melancholy had abilities for deep meditation or self reflection. This source is valuable to my essay as it essentially combines these existential views with holistic techniques to create better personalized treatments for patients with depression. Aligning with the implications used in clinical psychology to this day.

  1. Karasz, A. (2005). Cultural differences in conceptual models of depression. Social science & 

medicine, 60(7), 1625-1635.

Alison Karasz author of journal article “Cultural differences in conceptual models of depression”, is an adjunct clinical professor in the department of family and social medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine located in New York. The intended audience for this study include researchers and students looking for research related to how different cultures view depression. In this study, Karasz compares conceptual models of depression between 36 South Asian (SA) immigrants and 37 European Americans (EA) in New York City. Participants were shown vignettes that described symptoms of depression, as well as a series of interviews meant to obtain representational models of symptoms of depression. The research concluded that there were significant differences in how the two groups viewed and conceptualized depression symptoms. The South Asian participants viewed depression as a “hormonal imbalance” as opposed to the European American participants who viewed the symptoms of sadness as a medical disorder. The European American participants recommended professional help as a treatment for depression. Whereas the South Asian participants recommended self-help and emotional support from family members to help with symptoms. This article is valuable to my essay as it displays the different perspectives of how different cultures conceptualize depression symptoms. 

  1. Stub, T., Alræk, T., & Liu, J. (2011). Acupuncture treatment for depression—A 

systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 3(4), e259-e270. 

Authors Trine Stub and Terje Alræk are both researchers at the University of Tromso located in Norway. Author Jianping Liu is in the field of molecular biology, and is affiliated with the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. This meta-analysis examines whether acupuncture relieves depressive symptoms in adult patients. The intended audience for this source include students and researchers that are researching holistic treatments for depression. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine as well as a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Acupuncture was used in ancient china to treat mental illnesses. Electro-acupuncture which is a type of acupuncture that passes a current through the body via acupuncture needles, has been used to treat mild to moderate depression in China. This is a great alternative to treating depression because it is a natural holistic method. Patients prefer to take this approach as many antidepressants have undesirable long-lasting side effects. The results from this meta-analysis show that acupuncture is effective in reducing depressive symptoms. This study is valuable to my essay, as it shows evidence that this eastern holistic approach reduces symptoms of depression. 

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