Discussion Board #2: Risk of and Emerging Infectious Diseases | Coordination of Care | Vulnerable and Underserved Populations | Disaster Management

Risk of and Emerging Infectious Diseases | Coordination of Care | Vulnerable and Underserved Populations | Disaster Management

Concepts: Infections diseases, coordination of care, vulnerable populations, underserved populations, disaster management

Purpose: The main purpose of this assignment is to gain an understanding about the community and public health nurse’s role in addressing various concepts in community and public health nursing: communicable diseases, coordination of care, vulnerable populations, underserved populations, and disaster management.


Students  with last name starting with A through F respond to: Emerging Infectious Diseases.


Emerging Infectious Diseases (Students last name A through F)

 Part 1

  1. Review the required textbook, Rector & Stanley, 2022 7 (pages 170 – 185)
  2. Search the CDC National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) list. Click this link: NNDSS.Links to an external site.
  3. Select the Notifiable Conditions List, year 2022 National Notifiable Infectious DiseasesLinks to an external site.(most current year), check Infectious. 
  4. Select one infectious disease that starts with the first letter of your first, middle, or last name that could potentially impact your community. 

Part 2

  1. Clearly describe the disease, explain the chain of transmission, and include the CDC mandatory reporting requirements for the disease.
  2. Explain the global impact of this disease and what country other than the U.S. is most affected?
  3. Present one evidence-based strategy the nurse would use to help decrease the spread of this disease.


Initial Response: Post insightful initial integration of concepts, ideas, & information from required textbook as a reference and additional supportive evidence from at least one (1) other scholarly resource within the past five seven (7) years, and your personal clinical experience. There is little to no use of quotations..

Peer Responses: Post 1 peer response that are relevant with details supported either by evidence from the original post or new scholarly evidence. For the peer response, select a different option from your initial response. Include at least one (1) scholarly reference dated within past seven (7) years for the peer responses.

APA 7th Edition Formatting | Scholarly Writing: All posts are cited in APA 7th edition
– Include In-text citation(s) in correct APA 7th edition format
– Include Reference list in correct APA 7th format
– Utilizes college level writing skills with proper spelling and grammar.

Discussion Board Requirements:

 After your initial response, you need to submit at least one (1) reply to your course peers and instructor (if applicable) by Sunday by 11:59 PM.  Demonstrate depth and thought in your responses.

If you have not submitted your initial posting by Wednesday at 11:59 PM, you will earn no points for the week’s discussion topic.  Meeting deadlines and being timely in your responses is part of professional responsibility.


Please review the Discussion Board Grading Rubric for the criteria for all discussion board topics within this course.

NOTE: APA requirements for DISCUSSION BOARDS include:

  1. Grammar and spelling matter in all assignments. Be clear and concise, avoid incomplete and run-on sentences.  Insert commas when indicated.
  2. Cite reference in your posting as appropriate to give credit to the author, include page numbers for quotes (paragraph number for electronic source without page number)
  3. List references cited in APA 7th format at the bottom of the posting – a separate reference page is not required for discussion post
  4. An abstract is not required for discussions

Discussion Board Rubric (1) (1)
Discussion Board Rubric (1) (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Comprehension of Content

10 to >7.5 pts

The initial post is organized and is clearly presented with significant detail

7.5 to >5.0 pts

The initial post is organized and is clearly presented with appropriate detail

5 to >2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
The initial post is presented but has gaps in its organization and detail

2.5 to >0 pts

Not Evident
Did not submit an initial post
10 pts
Critical Thinking

10 to >7.5 pts

Presents information that is defended with evidence and examples

7.5 to >5.0 pts

Presents information that is justified by evidence but not sufficient examples

5 to >2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
Presents information that demonstrates logical conclusions but does not have any evidence or examples

2.5 to >0 pts

Not evident
Presents information with no logical conclusion or evidence
10 pts

10 to >7.5 pts

Peer response is relevant with details supported by evidence

7.5 to >5.0 pts

Peer response is relevant with some detail supported by evidence

5 to >2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
Peer response is somewhat relevant with some detail with evidence

2.5 to >0 pts

Not Evident
Peer response is generic without support from evidence and/or did not respond to peers
10 pts
Scholarly Writing

References are paraphrased without use of quotes. One paragraph for each prompt. Each paragraph is a maximum of 150 words.

10 to >7.5 pts

Writing style is clear, without quotes and easily understood.

7.5 to >5.0 pts

Writing style is mostly clear and can be understood with a few minor errors

5 to >2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
Writing style contains a number of minor and major errors that impede understanding.

2.5 to >0 pts

Not Evident
Writing style is unclear and below what is considered college-level writing. Student should consult with the Writing Center for support.
10 pts
Application of APA Format

10 to >7.5 pts

Uses proper APA citation when applicable

7.5 to >5.0 pts

APA citation contains a few minor errors

5 to >2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
APA citation contains a number of minor/major errors

2.5 to >0 pts

No Marks
Proper APA citation style is not used. Student should consult with a librarian for support.
10 pts
Total Points: 50

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