PSY-6513 v1: Threat Management : Assignment – Examine and Research Security Planning


PSY-6513 WK5 Assignment 08292024.docx and apply the following: 

Based on the provided document, here are some evaluations and suggestions for corrections and improvements:

1. Selection of Incident and Detailed Description

  • Evaluation: The incident of the San Jose VTA Rail Yard shooting in May 2021 is a relevant choice given its recent occurrence and the availability of detailed behavioral, contextual, and environmental information. The description of the incident includes who was involved, what occurred, and the outcomes.
  • Suggestions for Improvement:
    • Clarify Relationships: While the description mentions Cassidy’s past behavior, it would be beneficial to provide more context on his relationship with the victims and any specific grievances or triggers that may have led to the incident. This will help better understand the psychological and emotional connections and potential motives.
    • Detail the Response: Provide a more detailed account of the response by law enforcement and emergency services, including timelines and any procedural gaps that could have been improved.

2. Security Measures Consideration

  • Evaluation: The discussion of physical, procedural, and technological security measures is well-structured. The paper outlines specific measures such as surveillance cameras, access control, active shooter drills, and high-tech alarms.
  • Suggestions for Improvement:
    • Expand on Procedural Measures: The section could benefit from a more in-depth discussion on procedural measures, especially regarding the implementation of workplace violence prevention programs and how they can integrate with existing security protocols.
    • Empirical Evidence: Use empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of the proposed measures. For instance, citing studies or statistics on the impact of active shooter drills or access control measures in reducing casualties during violent incidents would strengthen the argument.

3. Assessment of Effectiveness

  • Evaluation: The assessment covers the potential impact of the proposed security measures on preventing or mitigating the San Jose VTA Rail Yard shooting.
  • Suggestions for Improvement:
    • Compare Case Studies: Include a comparison with other similar incidents where security measures either succeeded or failed, providing a broader perspective on the effectiveness of various approaches.
    • Counterarguments: Address potential counterarguments or limitations of the proposed measures. For example, discuss the limitations of surveillance in terms of privacy concerns or the challenges in implementing comprehensive workplace violence programs.

4. Rationale for Proposed Security Measures

  • Evaluation: The rationale provided links back to course concepts and outlines why the proposed measures would be effective.
  • Suggestions for Improvement:
    • Specific Course Concepts: More explicitly tie the rationale to specific concepts or theories discussed in the course readings. This could include discussing specific threat assessment models or security frameworks that align with the proposed measures.
    • Future Projections: Discuss how the suggested measures could evolve with changing threat landscapes and advancements in technology, which will provide a forward-looking perspective.

5. Reflection on Security Planning and Threat Management

  • Evaluation: The reflection section highlights lessons learned and recommendations for future incidents, emphasizing the importance of ongoing security reviews and adaptations.
  • Suggestions for Improvement:
    • Case-Specific Lessons: Provide more specific lessons that can be directly drawn from the San Jose VTA Rail Yard shooting, such as the importance of recognizing behavioral red flags or improving inter-agency coordination.
    • Broader Implications: Discuss the broader implications for policy changes or the development of national guidelines on workplace violence prevention, which could add depth to the reflection.

6. General Improvements

  • APA Formatting: Ensure all citations and references are correctly formatted according to APA standards, including proper citation for news articles and empirical studies.
  • Empirical References: The assignment requires at least three empirical references. Ensure that all references cited are empirical studies or reliable data sources, especially those separate from the provided resources.
  • Proofreading and Clarity: Review the document for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and clarity to enhance readability and professionalism.

By incorporating these suggestions, the paper will not only fulfill the assignment requirements but also demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of threat management and security planning.


Based on the current state of the assignment and the feedback provided, here’s a general evaluation of the grading criteria that might be used:

Grading Criteria Evaluation:

  1. Relevance and Appropriateness of Incident Selection:

    • The incident selected (San Jose VTA Rail Yard shooting) is appropriate and relevant, with sufficient details to analyze the behavioral, contextual, and environmental factors.
    • Grade: A
  2. Depth and Detail of Analysis:

    • The assignment provides a solid overview of the incident, including the behavior of the aggressor and the environment.
    • However, there could be more depth in explaining the relationships and motives behind the actions and more detail in the response to the incident.
    • Grade: B+
  3. Security Measures Consideration:

    • The discussion of physical, procedural, and technological security measures is clear and well-organized.
    • Improvements could include more detailed examples and empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of these measures.
    • Grade: B
  4. Assessment of Effectiveness:

    • The assessment is logical and provides a good argument for the proposed security measures.
    • Adding comparisons with other incidents and addressing potential counterarguments would strengthen this section.
    • Grade: B
  5. Integration of Course Concepts and Theories:

    • The rationale ties back to course concepts but could be more explicitly connected to specific theories or models discussed in the course materials.
    • Grade: B-
  6. Reflection and Recommendations:

    • The reflection provides useful insights and lessons learned.
    • It could be improved by offering more specific recommendations and broader implications for future security planning.
    • Grade: B
  7. Use of Empirical References and APA Formatting:

    • The assignment meets the requirement for three empirical references, but ensuring proper APA formatting and clarity in writing is necessary.
    • Grade: B-
  8. Overall Writing Quality:

    • The writing is generally clear, but some sections could benefit from more concise phrasing and better grammar.
    • Grade: B

Overall Grade Estimate: B

The assignment demonstrates a solid understanding of the topic and meets the basic requirements but lacks depth in certain areas and could benefit from more detailed analysis and integration of course materials. To move into the A range, the paper would need to address the suggested improvements, such as providing more empirical support, connecting more explicitly to course concepts, and refining the writing for clarity and coherence.


Locate and research a publicized incident of workplace violence (i.e., physical violence that has occurred at a business location, educational institution, or on the premise of a public agency) or domestic violence incident in the last three years on the continent where you reside.  Be sure to pick an incident that has enough behavioral, contextual, and environmental information available so that you can describe the incident in detail (e.g., who was involved, how the parties were connected, what physically happened, and what was the resulting outcome or outcomes; deaths, injuries, arrest). 

Next, based on this information:

  • Thoroughly explain what types of security measures you would have considered providing to the victim. 
  • Based on the location of the incident, and what you have learned from your reading and additional research, would you have had a high probability to lessen the harm that resulted, or stopped the incident altogether?
  • Why do you believe those measures would have been effective? This assignment will help prepare you for answering similar questions in your signature assignment.

Length:  3-5 pages, excluding the reference page, and utilizing at least three empirical references, separate from the ones provided in the resources.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.  

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Explore the various threat management tools, focusing on implementation and operational considerations.  (5)

  • Examine the key concepts relevant to the practical application of threat management approaches.  (4) 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of threat management strategy development and practical implementation.  (3) 

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