discuss the following: For Bacillus Falciparum
- Does your microbe use cellular respiration to generate ATP? If so, what molecule serves as the final electron acceptor (often oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, or carbonate)?
- Does your microbe use fermentation to generate ATP? What is the fermentation product (often lactic acid or ethanol and carbon dioxide)?
- Does your microbe use photosynthesis? If so, does it oxidize water or hydrogen sulfide, or something else, and what substance (oxygen, sulfur granules, or something else) are produced as a result? Does it undergo cyclic or noncyclic photophosphorylation?
- Is your organism a photoautotroph, a photoheterotroph, a chemoautotroph, or a chemoheterotroph? Explain by considering these questions: What is the energy source for making ATP? What is the carbon source for making its own structures?
Discuss the following: For Trichomonas vaginalis
- What is the preferred temperature range of your microbe? Is it a psychrophile, mesophile, or thermophile? Explain.
- Is your organism able to survive extremes of pH, salinity, or other typically harmful environmental conditions? Explain. Are any special terms used for this (such as halophile or acidophile, for example)?
- What is the carbon source for your organism (usually organic molecules or CO2)? Is it a heterotroph or an autotroph? Explain. (Yes, this does repeat a part of a question from Chapter 5).
- Is your organism an obligate aerobe, facultative anaerobe, obligate anaerobe, aerotolerant anaerobe, or microaerophile? Explain
- How does your microbe reproduce (binary fission, budding, aerial spore formation, fragmentation, other)? Briefly describe.
- What is the approximate generation time for your microbe under ideal growing conditions? Under ideal conditions, how long would it take for one of your microbes to generate a population of over 1,000 individuals? How long for one of your microbes to generate a population of over 100,000 individuals.
Discuss the following: For Glardia lamblia
- How large is your microbeβs genome? How many chromosomes? Any plasmids? If so, what kind/what is its function?
- State an additional fact of interest that has to do with this lecture. For example, any well known mutations? Anything unique to this microbe?