Informative Speech Outline and Bibliography On the history and cultural significance of jazz music

Please submit you key word outline and bibliography formatted in the APA style of documentation. Below you will find the guidelines for your speech:


Once your speech topic has been chosen and approved by the instructor, it may not be changed. Do not ask to change your speech topic and or date once it has been chosen. When choosing speech topics, students should NOT choose topics pertaining to SEX, RELIGION or POLITICS!
Informative speeches MUST be on fine, performing, or literary arts.
Speech outlines must be submitted before submitting your speech. This TYPED outline must be submitted through Blackboard by the deadline for outline submission. If you do not submit your outline, your speech will not be graded and you will receive a ZERO for the speech.
All presentations and related materials must be seen clearly on the videos submitted. If am NOT able to see materials clearly, you will not receive credit.
Watch how you record your videos. Headshot views of presenters DO NOT allow for a full assessment of a speaker during a speech. Make sure the recording is horizontal instead of vertical. Points will be deducted for headshot only speeches and speeches recorded in vertical position.
Students should stand as opposed to sitting during all presentations unless medical documents are submitted to the professor. This is very important, because I must be able to assess all body language and gestures for grading.
Be mindful of your background and environment when sending in videos. I should not see your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. Please choose locations that look professional to record all presentations.
Business Casual attire (NO jeans of any kind, t-shirts, baseball caps, saggy pants, revealing clothing (see through, tight, low-cut shirts, ripped clothing, stretch pants, lingerie, pajamas, sneakers/tennis shoes, sweat clothing, sports gear, etc.) is mandatory unless you are in the military and must wear your formal uniform. In this case you must notify me in writing during the first week of class.
Do NOT present your speech in the dark. Speeches submitted where the speaker cannot be seen will not be graded and receive a zero (“0”). This is important, because you will be graded in ALL aspects of public speaking, including non-verbal ones.
Students will be subject to lower scores if there are visual or audible distractions on recording: Smoke detector beeping, audience member’s cell phones, babies crying, television back ground noises, music playing, laughing/snickering, etc.
Students should use proper APA style formatting to cite all research for the content of any work submitted for this class. WIKIPEDIA is NOT an academic source and credit will NOT be given to those using WIKIPEDIA.
You should practice your speech at least 4-6 times before recording and submitting it.
Please make sure you have at least three adult audience members, 18 years and older, for both Informative and Persuasive speeches. No exceptions! Children or pets will not count as audience members. Also Skype or Face Time audience members do not count as audience members. You will need live adult audience members to receive credit. You must include clear shots of your audience members in the final video submitted to instructor.
Review your speech visuals and volume and ensure that you are speaking “loud” enough and that it is visible to others. It may be a good idea to have someone else listen to and review your speeches before final submission. If I can’t hear it, this will present a challenge in scoring it effectively
Your speeches are FORMAL presentations, please do NOT submit informal videos.
Your speeches should be done in one take. Please do not edit together different takes of your speech into one. Doing this does not approximate the stakes of a live speech presentation. Edited speeches will receive a zero.
Students may not read speeches. Manuscripts are prohibited.

Students are required to submit a typed key word outline and bibliography by the designated deadline for all speeches.

Sources must be a book, newspaper, magazine journal article, data base information, interview, etc… Wikipedia is NOT considered an academic source. You will not receive credit for using it.

All Students are required to observe and give feedback via the discussion board assignment for each speech.
Informative Speeches less than 4 minutes and more than 6 minutes will receive a reduced grade.
Persuasive Speeches less than 5 minutes and more than 7 minutes will receive a reduced grade.
Use at least 2 visual aids in ALL speeches (posters, pictures, written poems, videos, etc.)
If you decide to use PowerPoint to present a speech and plan to place pictures in the slideshow, it will be considered as having 1 visual aid. Inserting photos into the PPT does NOT constitute as 2 visual aids. PPT presentations stand alone as one source.
Speeches are contextual, and based on specific audiences; know your audience before presenting a speech.
Students are required to make at least 2 oral citations during their Informative and Persuasive speeches. Example of how you should orally communicate oral citations: “According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, author Ethan Allen states that 80% of Federal Government employees are eligible for retirement in 2012.”
Students will be graded on the following delivery skills and content:
Knowledge of subject matter
Staying within the required time limits
Eye contact, movement, gestures, posture (points deducted for reading presentation)
Adherence to the Instructions/Template
Attire/Artifacts (Business Casual)
Overall persuasiveness (for Persuasive speech)
Paralanguage Skill (conversational sense, rate, volume, vocal inflection, not speaking in monotone manner)
Salesmanship (dynamics, energy, confidence and style, general enthusiasm for and passion for your subject)
Introduction (establishing credibility, relating to the audience, clarity of main topic/sub-topics, orienting material) & Conclusion (restating the issues, summary of key points, clincher, bring speech to a natural close)
Strong opening and closing – grab your audience’s attention with attention getter and leave on a memorable note (i.e. not reading your beginning or ending)
Body (Organizational pattern, main/sub-points clear, transitions, flows well, etc.)
Supporting Materials (Clear, varied, clarified and validated points, provides substantive facts, etc.)
Logic and Reason
Control of notes (not reading, and being comfortable while presenting)
Language use and word choice
Visual Aids (incorporating well adds value to the class)
Keeping audience engaged
Creating a comfortable and safe learning environment
Room set-up (clean presentation area: no trash and or distracting object that don’t have anything to do with speech should not be visible in the video, audience members chairs should be positioned neat and in an organized fashion, etc.)

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