The Rising Prevalence of High Blood Pressure Among Young Adults (using health promotion)


  • Report Two Week 15 (see report instructions below)
  • Deliverables (listed on Form B. A minimum of two deliverables required)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (Week 15 discussion)

Report Overview & Directions:

  • A component of the APE experience includes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a project and the creation of a written project report.
  • For the project the student will work with their preceptor to identify a public health issue to address through the development, implementation, and evaluation of a project.
  • Components of the written report will be submitted in weeks 10 and 15.
  • Include sections relevant from Report 1. Add more details about your final results, literature review (summarize, synthesize, and critique your research), share milestones completed, and lessons learned. 
  • Required 6-8 pages total using APA format.
  • A minimum of six (6) academic references.  

Microsoft PowerPoint presentation

Suggested Slide Format

  • Minimum number of slides: 20 (excluding title/abstract/references)

  • Words per slide less than 35 words or 6-8 lines per slide

  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial

  • Font size: 24 or larger

  • Graphs/charts/figures (include appropriate supporting citations for each)

  • PowerPoint Notes (be descriptive and this is required). Presenter notes must be added to each slide. Share enough notes to add details explaining your slide content. Use complete sentences. You can never give too many details in the notes section. Please be liberal.

Part II: Project Description, Evaluation & Reflection (Due at the end of Week 15)


  • Introduction and literature review
  • SMART objectives (minimum of three)
  • Competencies (minimum five competencies, of which 3 must be foundational – balance can be concentration-specific)
  • Methods (discuss how the SMART objectives were met)
  • Presentation of results, discussion of competencies, and public health implications
  • References five (5) (minimum of APA style, published within the past five years)


  • Analyze the completed deliverable/project activities in relation to achievement of the project goal and measurable objectives.
  • Discuss barriers encountered during project implementation and how they were addressed


  • Reflect on ability to collaborate, growth as a public health practitioner, “ah-ha” moments, and lessons learned.
  • Reflect upon and summarize the learning experience in the APE in association in mastery of personal learning goals; as well as Program Outcomes, Course objectives, CEPH-MPH Competencies. Provide specific examples of achievement and identify areas remaining for future growth and development.
  • Did this project further your educational/career goals?
  • Would you recommend this APE site to other students?

Writing SMART Objectives

  • Students are required to develop a minimum of three SMART objectives.
  • Students will work with the APE faculty to develop and complete the SAMRT Objectives.
  • SMART objectives are measurable concise statements of the competencies, skills, knowledge, or understanding that the student plans to achieve.
  • These SMART objectives will guide performance throughout the APE and will allow the preceptor and the instructor to evaluate performance.
  • As students prepare for the APE course and consider their APE projects, the following SMART format for writing objectives will be helpful:

Specific—include details that define the goal you are working toward.

Measurable—define an objective that can be quantified and easily evaluated. For example, “understand the relationship between exercise and obesity” is not measurable. “Describe three ways in which exercise can decrease the incidence of obesity” is measurable.

Attainable—objectives should be achievable given the time and resources available

Realistic—objectives are realistic when the skills and resources needed to achieve them are attainable and the goals are congruent with those of the student and the sponsoring organization

Timely—should have beginning and ending dates, and an understanding of what will be accomplished within the time frame of the APE course.

The following steps should help students to formulate good SMART objectives.

Step 1: Write down all the activities and duties that you will engage in throughout the APE.

Example: data analysis

Step 2: Write down the resources needed from yourself and the organization to accomplish each of the listed activities.

Example: need data, knowledge of how data were collected, time, software, knowledge of software, computer, workspace, and what is the purpose of the analysis?

Step 3: Write the outcome for each of the listed activities.

Example: The data analysis is being used to help with the quality control survey of how a program is utilized.

Step 4: Develop SMART objectives considering the activities, resources needed, and outcomes written in steps 1-3 above. What is going to be learned?


1. Utilize statistical software to analyze the given data.

2. Assess how data must be “cleaned” to prepare for proper analysis

3. Apply data analysis product to develop overall evaluation of program

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Evaluation Guide: Writing SMART Objectives. 2016.

Examples of SMART objectives include:

  • By February 11, 2020, conduct a literature search to identify a minimum of 3 best practices in developing a Health Literacy Program;
  • By May 28, 2020, increase by 10 percentage points from baseline, the percentage of adult males in NY who know all five of the signs of stroke (as listed by the American Stroke Association) and who also know to call 9-1-1 if stroke is suspected. Baseline to be determined by 2005 BRFSS;3
  • By June 14, 2020, increase from 2 to 10 the number of community health centers that have implemented use of electronic medical records with provider reminders of high blood pressure treatment guidelines

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