For this week’s portfolio assignment, it’s time to contribute to your Program Portfolio that spans your entire Master of Education experience

For this week’s portfolio assignment, it’s time to contribute to your Program Portfolio that spans your entire Master of Education experience. Refer back to the Program Portfolio template and identify the space allocated for EDUC 5711. Then, add a minimum of two artefacts to your portfolio. At least one artefact should be research related, while at least one artefact should be practice related. Be sure to fill out each aspect of the template section for this course, including the topic, link to the resource, summary, and tags.


Class EDUC





Creating an inclusive classroom

Anderson, A. (2018, January 18). 7
ways to create an inclusive classroom environment. ASCD IN Service.


Academic support for students , proper
training of teachers, inclusive curriculum, integrating student bodies,
adjusting ranking calculations, respectful school culture, creating space for




Lesson Planning

Week 5 Portfolio

Lesson planning needs be able to
include students of all abilities within the classroom to ensure all learning
needs are met


Lesson Planning








1. Cirillo, M., Drake, C., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., & Hirsch, C. (2009, August). Curriculum vision and coherence: Adapting curriculum to focus on authentic mathematics. The Mathematics Teacher, 103(1), 70-75.

  • To access this resource, you must be logged into Moodle and the Library and Information Resource Network (LIRN) This resource discusses ways to adapt curriculum materials such as your subject textbooks. Many educators adapt curriculum materials to use in combination with the school textbook to meet student needs.
  • 2. Cohen, R. & Barczyk, R. (2015). Adapting materials to meet your classroom needs [Presentation slides]. American English.

    • This webinar focuses on the aspect of finding a resource to use or a portion of a textbook that is suitable for the topic of a lesson of instruction, but not suitable to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Adapting materials is discussed from the aspect of meeting student learning levels, context of topics, cultural awareness, and so forth. Focus should be on slides 3-51.

    3. Ford, M.P. (2005, December). Differentiation through flexible grouping: Successfully reaching all readers. Learning Point Associates.

    • Reading should be concentrated on pages 1-29 to become knowledge of the different types of groupings that can be used in reading instruction. How to use the groups effectively is reviewed in-depth.
    • 4. Gomez, C. L., Kurz, T.L., & Jimenez-Silva, M. (2011, November). Your inner English teacher. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 17(4), 238-243.

      • This article provides an overview of how teachers can meet the needs of English Language Learners in the classroom by adjusting phrases and wording of instructional materials.

      5. McDonald. L. (2014, September 19). Flexible grouping as a differentiated instruction strategy. Teach Hub.

      • Flexible grouping is described in this resource. Use of flexible grouping arranging is described for how to use grouping techniques with differentiated instruction and to meet inclusive classroom needs.
  • 6. Scanlon, D., & Baker, D. (2012, November). An accommodations model for the secondary inclusive classroom. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(4), 212-224.

    • This resource provides discussion into the application and use of accommodations in inclusive classrooms. Assessments, effective practice, regular and special education teacher perspectives, and an accommodation model for best practice are reviewed.

    7. Ward, B.A. (1987). Instructional grouping in the classroom. School Improvement Research Series.

    • This is an older resource, but it has many great ideas in it about how an educator can use different arrangements of groups in the classroom to meet student needs and increase student achievement.
    • Course Description: This course will focus on creating an equitable learning environment that sensitively approaches differences.  Emphasis will be on considering decisions about curriculum, instructional materials, learning activities, and student groupings in the multicultural, multilingual classroom.  The use of adaptive technology, learning analytics and personalized learning, compensatory and remedial methods, and inquiry-based procedures to teach content to students with academic and/or behavioral difficulties will be discussed.

      Required Textbook and Materials: UoPeople courses use open educational resources (OER) and other materials specifically donated to the University with free permissions for educational use. Therefore, students are not required to purchase any textbooks or sign up for any websites that have a cost associated with them. The main required textbooks for this course are listed below, and can be readily accessed using the provided links. There may be additional required/recommended readings, supplemental materials, or other resources and websites necessary for lessons; these will be provided for you in the course’s General Information and Forums area, and throughout the term via the weekly course Unit areas and the Learning Guides.

      • This course does not contain a main textbook; resources to all required reading will be provided in the course Learning Guide for each week.

      Software Requirements/Installation: No special requirements.

      Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

      By the end of this course students will be able to:

      1. Utilize and apply cultural theory concepts to educational institutions to ensure equitable access to learning environments and inclusive practices.
      2. Design and adapt curriculum components and instructional settings in the multicultural, multilingual learning environment to promote and enhance cultural awareness and sensitivity.
      3. Develop and implement technology-enhanced learning opportunities, in consideration of the individual needs of each student, to include adaptive and assistive technologies.
      4. Assess and analyze learner needs in diverse and inclusive settings through inquiry-based procedures to teach content and optimize learning.
      5. Apply research of differentiated instructional theories to facilitate inclusive education and support of cultural differences and academic and/or behavioral needs.

      Course Schedule and Topics: This course will cover the following topics in eight learning sessions, with one Unit per week.

      Week 1: Unit 1 – Components of Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms

      Week 2: Unit 2 – Organizing Instruction of Diverse Students

      Week 3: Unit 3 – Curriculum for Diverse and Inclusive Settings

      Week 4: Unit 4 – Instructional Approaches for Diverse and Inclusive Settings

      Week 5: Unit 5 – Creating Lesson Plans for Diverse and Inclusive Settings

      Week 6: Unit 6 – Adaptations and Groupings for Diverse Learners

      Week 7: Unit 7 – Adaptive/Assistive Technology & Compensatory/Remediated Instruction 

      Week 8: Unit 8 – Learner Analytics for Personalized Learning 

      Learning Guide: The following is an outline of how this course will be conducted, with suggested best practices for students.  The Learning Guides for all units open on the first day of class.  Please review all Learning Guides to access the readings, review assignments, etc. 

      Unit 1: Components of Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms

      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

      Unit 2: Organizing Instruction of Diverse Students

      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Complete and submit the Written Assignment
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

      Unit 3: Curriculum for Diverse and Inclusive Settings

      • Peer assess Unit 2 Written Assignment
      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Begin and participate in the Group Activity (Due Unit 6)
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

      Unit 4: Instructional Approaches for Diverse and Inclusive Settings

      • Peer assess Unit 3 Written Assignment
      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Complete and submit the Written Assignment
      • Continue to participate in the Group Activity

      Unit 5: Creating Lesson Plans for Diverse and Inclusive Settings

      • Peer assess Unit 4 Written Assignment
      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Continue to participate in the Group Activity
      • Complete and submit the Written Assignment
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

      Unit 6: Adaptations and Groupings for Diverse Learners

      • Peer assess Unit 5 Written Assignment
      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Complete and submit the Written Assignment
      • Post finalized Group Activity 
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

       Unit 7: Adaptive/Assistive Technology & Compensatory/Remediated Instruction 

      • Peer assess Unit 6 Written Assignment
      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

      Unit 8: Learner Analytics for Personalized Learning 

      • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
      • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
      • Complete the Portfolio Activity

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