Exercise (creative): Word Cloud (see also Web Links), based on imagery and text from one of the listed commercial websites,

Exercise (creative): Word Cloud (see also Web Links), based on imagery and text from one of the listed commercial websites, NOTE: your word cloud should include a commentary discussing how the word cloud demonstrates the link between concept and detail; refer to specific details –what details support which concepts? How? How does the design—format, organization, color choice, etc.—or your cloud reinforce this connection. See the Web Links course module for a video demonstrating how to build a Word Cloud Word Cloud.docx
The following readings and exercises can be useful in developing the critical section of your essay.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch (soft drink bottles, for e.g.) (for all topics, esp helpful for Focused essay topics 2, 3):
Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Exercise: “GPGP” (#1, #2) GPGP.docx

Build a word cloud to show how ad details suggest concept values. Instructions follow, as well as a sample cloud and how-to demo video (please watch the video–it’s not long! Find it in the Web Links module). When the cloud is complete, save a screen shot of it in a word doc and upload to the appropriate exercise assignment.

First, review “analyzing images” (wk 2 and Web links modules). Now, view the Jamaica tourism commercial (Web Links), the Svalbard tourism video, or an ad or commercial from one of the websites listed on the course syllabus. If you choose a commercial video, view it several times, pausing it to study individual scenes/details; you can also right click on the video to adjust playback speed. As you view images and scenes; take notes: jot down details of the foreground, background, people in the ad/commercial—details of dress, appearance; what they are doing/saying. How they are positioned in relation to each other and other elements of the ad/commercial (“reading images” suggests several types of details to consider). For commercials, also consider the sound track/music. What concepts do the details suggest? Nurturing, healthy lifestyle; pristine, unspoiled nature, etc.? How do the details suggest this?

Next, view the sample word cloud (click the link below into a browser) and the demo video (see “How to Create a Word Cloud” in the Web Links module).

After viewing the sample cloud and demo video, build your word cloud indicating the ad/commercial “message” and how it is supported. Click the link to cloud form below (“Cloud Form”). NOTE: clicking on the link will take you to another page where you will be asked to open the form in a separate window; you can always return to these instructions by returning to the “create a world cloud” page -tabbed at top or your browser–and clicking the back arrow. IMPORTANT: before filling out the form, save a copy of it: on the upper left, go to “File,” “make a copy”; in the popup window, change the “Name” field (for e.g., “My concept cloud”), then click the green “make a copy” button at bottom of the window. Your renamed copy of the form should pop up immediately. Now, fill out the numbered list with concepts and details from your study of the ad. Type a word of phrase into each blank space—the words or phrases near the top of the list, in the first 6 slots or so will be the largest; the fonts get small the further down the list the words are, so enter the concepts in at the top of the list, and details that suggest/support the concept further down. You can add up to 50 words/phrases—add as many details as you can; try for at least twenty phrases, including concepts and details. The name of the product and/or company (the name of the country for tourism commercials) should a appear at least twice, at different levels (near top and near bottom), on the list.

Once you added all the text, go to “File,” “share,” and “publish to the web”; a popup window will appear. Make sure it shows “entire document,” then click “publish” and click “OK” in the Google popup window. At this point, close the popup window and click on “get the link here” at the bottom of the cloud form. After clicking on “get the link here,” mouseover the blue link at the top of the popup window—the link to your cloud will appear beneath it; click on the link, and your cloud will appear (you can always return to your form to add more text if desired—it will automatically update once “published” to the web). Once on your cloud, notice the various choices at the bottom of the cloud—you can change the design, color of the words, etc.

Once you are satisfied with your cloud, copy and save the browser URL (top browser window) for your cloud, paste into a Word doc; also, take a screen shot of the word cloud (you will see instructions for screen shots on the right side of your cloud page); you should be able to simply “paste” the screen shot into the same word doc; then save the word file, including the screen shot, as “my concept cloud,” or whatever name you gave it, and upload it to the appropriate exercise assignment in on the course module. Be sure to include a paragraph in your document explaining how your cloud captures the ad’s or commercial’s message. Refer to details of the design–layout/arrangement of words, word color, font size.

Sample Word Cloud


Cloud Form

WARNING: Do not enter data on the form below; after clicking on the link, save a blank copy of the form (“File,” “Make A Copy”), renamed, as instructed above; if you find data on the form, please delete it before saving your renamed blank copy. You can then enter data on the renamed copy



1 Read from the beginning through the section “Marine Debris.” What do the contents of the GPGP suggest about the sources of environmental pollution, and associated lifestyles? How do “microplastics” form, according to the article, and how are they hazardous? How does microplastic pollution result from actions and habits in our everyday lives, and with what consequences?
2. Considering some of the specific contents of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and its impacts on marine environments and life, how can the GPGP be used as evidence to comment critically on the illusion of “sustainability” promoted by many commercial/branding websites (refer to the details of the website you are working on as part of your discussion)?
On EBSCO and Google, research the causes and effects of microplastic pollution more more broadly, as it may be pertain to your essay focus, undermining some “green” claims.

Readings/websites critical of the fast food industry, agriculture, etc. (useful for all topics, esp. focused essay topic 1)—see links below. If focusing your essay project on fast food, beverage, or cosmetics industries (which may involve animal testing of products), etc. review these sources:fast food criticism.docx See also Foer’s Eating Animals and the related document, linked below, which will help you focus on relevant issues.

First Draft Essay Project, Phase one Due; submit to the Essay 1.1 assignment below (see essay topics posted to the Essay Topics course module. Read the general topic, and focused topics 1–7; choose one to develop as your essay project. The first draft must include the overall introduction, and development of the first part of the essay body–detailed descriptions of corporate websites, promotional materials, YouTube commercials, etc., pointing out how specific concept values are exploited).

Farm Forward https://www.farmforward.com/ [this website is a good source for material critical of the fast, junk, and commercial food industry and factory farming, and also for solutions to “Big Ag”; information on this site is relevant for any corporation that relies on “Bit Ag” for its ingredients]

Jonathan Foer, Eating Animals (see ex. 3.17 below) [fast food and related industries];
Also this excellent documentary based on the book, which can also be sited as a secondary source:

Read the chapter titled “Hiding/Seeking” in Feor’s Eating Animals (on Blackboard, “Course Documents,” “Articles: Website Analysis”)—read sec. “1.,” esp “The Whole Sad Business” (beginning p. 44); for a close, disturbing look at how factory farming works, and a graphic and detailed look at how chickens are raised and processed on factory farms, scroll down and read the section “The Life and Death of a Bird” (p. 69 on the document).
Now, view Samsara Food Sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k56NBsZXjr8
How does Foer’s description of poultry production supplement the imagery in the video, and how do both the book and this video demonstrate an educational approach to criticizing the values of healthy lifestyle, concern for the environment, animal welfare and sustainability promoted on Mac’s website?

Moleindustria (https://www.molleindustria.org/)–the McDonald’s Video Game: on the website, scroll down to the McDonald’s Video Game. Play the game, Note information in the tutorial, which, along with aspects of the game design and gameplay, may be used as a critical source if focusing on the fast food industry.

Readings/websites critical of the fast food industry, agriculture, etc. (useful for all topics, esp. focused essay topic 1)—see links below. If focusing your essay project on fast food, beverage, or cosmetics industries (which may involve animal testing of products), etc. review these sources:fast food criticism.docx See also Foer’s Eating Animals and the related document, linked below, which will help you focus on relevant issues.

First Draft Essay Project, Phase one Due; submit to the Essay 1.1 assignment below (see essay topics posted to the Essay Topics course module. Read the general topic, and focused topics 1–7; choose one to develop as your essay project. The first draft must include the overall introduction, and development of the first part of the essay body–detailed descriptions of corporate websites, promotional materials, YouTube commercials, etc., pointing out how specific concept values are exploited).
Farm Forward https://www.farmforward.com/ [this website is a good source for material critical of the fast, junk, and commercial food industry and factory farming, and also for solutions to “Big Ag”; information on this site is relevant for any corporation that relies on “Bit Ag” for its ingredients]

  Jonathan Foer, Eating Animals (see ex. 3.17 below) [fast food and related industries];
 Also this excellent documentary based on the book, which can also be sited as a secondary source:

Read the chapter titled “Hiding/Seeking” in Feor’s Eating Animals (on Blackboard, “Course Documents,” “Articles: Website Analysis”)—read sec. “1.,” esp “The Whole Sad Business” (beginning p. 44); for a close, disturbing look at how factory farming works, and a graphic and detailed look at how chickens are raised and processed on factory farms, scroll down and read the section “The Life and Death of a Bird” (p. 69 on the document).
Now, view Samsara Food Sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k56NBsZXjr8
How does Foer’s description of poultry production supplement the imagery in the video, and how do both the book and this video demonstrate an educational approach to criticizing the values of healthy lifestyle, concern for the environment, animal welfare and sustainability promoted on Mac’s website?

Moleindustria (https://www.molleindustria.org/)–the McDonald’s Video Game: on the website, scroll down to the McDonald’s Video Game. Play the game, Note information in the tutorial, which, along with aspects of the game design and gameplay,  may be used as a critical source if focusing on the fast food industry.

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