Each student will conduct an individual presentation that lasts for 10 minutes, making sure to present:
- Title slide with your name. (slide not counted)
- Abstract-2-3 sentences (slide not counted)
- Intro of your diverse clientele e.g. individual, group, community. 2 slides
- The content from the readings about your diverse population (found in Unit 2, Topics 3-7) as clinical case studies. You are expected to describe the challenge that a diverse individual/client system is facing based upon their status as a member of a marginalized and diverse population group. Make sure to describe the social, emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges that are created for the individual/client system involved in the “case study”
- Problem identification 1 slide
- Assessment of the Case using theoretical perspectives 3 slides
- Explain how theoretical perspectives (including human rights perspective, acculturation theory, standpoint theory and feminist standpoint– 2 to 3 theories) help to inform your clinical assessment of the subject of your case study. Make sure to include references about how theory helps inform the clinical assessment of your diverse population group.
- Culturally Responsive Goals. 2 slides
Explain how you would work with clients to develop culturally responsive goals and outcomes ( Examine the culture of your client e.g. capitalizing on your client’s cultural background, beliefs, values, practice, etc.
- Develop at least 2-3 culturally responsive goals and outcomes 1 slide
Summary/ Conclusion 1 slide
References (slide not counted)
Note: No more than 10 slides for the actual content in your presentation. APA 7th edition.