find an issue that negatively impacts student life at your educational institution (PVAMU).

To help manage and complete the major grade Recommendation Report final draft, I
have broken the assignment into smaller sections. In Part 1, you completed the Letter
of Transmittal or the Memo. In the second part, you completed the Cover Page, Table of
Contents, and Introduction sections; this week, you will work on an updated Table of
Contents, the Research Methods and Results sections of the report.
Due Date:
This assignment is due on Oct. 7, Monday morning, by 8:00 AM.
Your task for this assignment is to research and find an issue that negatively impacts
student life at your educational institution (PVAMU). You will be writing this report on
the same topic as the memo assignment you completed lately. Make sure there is
enough research available to support your claim.
Your goal is to address your memo to the Dean of your particular School or College to
make them aware of the situation and propose a solution that would aid in eliminating or
at least controlling this problem. S/he is the target audience/reader for your technical
document. If you don’t know who your Dean is, look him or her up on the University
For this assignment, you will complete the following sections of the recommendation
 Updated Table of Contents: Since you have developed additional
sections of the recommendation report, you will add these sections to the Table
of Contents.
o Reproduce the headings as they appear in your report. Add
the titles Research Methods and Results.
o Both, the Research Methods and the Results will be divided
into tasks.
o These tasks might match in the two sections (Research
Methods and Results), which is fine.
o Provide a page number for each task.
o Page numbers should match the actual document.
o Use the sample assignment to format the page with the
exact alignment, indentations, boldfacing, and other
 Research Methods: This section will share information about what you
did to gather research materials and artifacts related to your topic.
o Begin with a paragraph discussing how you started this research. Why
did you choose this topic? What steps did you take to narrow your search?
Did you face any challenges?
o Then, in Task format, you will share each step you completed when
gathering this information. What were the methods adopted to gather
the information?
o Task 1: Acquiring a basic understanding of the issue and how it
impacts student bodies. Share the steps taken, not the results.
o Task 2: Understand how aware the University is of this issue and
what it is already doing to fix the matter. Share the steps taken,
not the results.
o Task 3: Gather knowledge about what other schools are doing
about similar situations/issues. Share any steps you took in
comparing the situation to other institutions. Share the steps
taken, not the results.
o Task 4: Gathered data and research related to the issue. Share
the steps you completed to access online sources, not the
Remember, in the Tasks sections, you will only share what you did. Do not share
the results. Results will be shared in the next section. You do not have to fake or
make up information. Honestly document the steps you completed to gather knowledge
and information about this issue. Provide enough information to enable readers to
understand what you did. Include sufficient details. Each task should be about 250 to
400 words in length.
Read the sample Report for guidance. The tasks written above are just examples of
what you can add to this section. You can and should create your own steps,
documenting what you actually did.
 Results: This section will share your research findings. Here, you will
discuss the results of all the tasks you mentioned in the Research Methods
o Task 1: Acquiring a basic understanding of the issue and how it impacts
student bodies. Share the results, not the steps taken.
o Task 2: Understand how aware the University is of this issue and what it
is already doing to fix the matter. Share the results, not the steps taken.
o Task 3: Gather knowledge about what other schools are doing about
similar situations/issues. Share any steps you took in comparing the
situation to other institutions. Share your findings. Cite sources in APA
o Task 4: Share the steps you completed to access online sources and
gather data related to the issue. Share the research, data, and
evidence. Cite your sources in APA style. Add parenthetical
Present the results objectively, without comment. Save the interpretation for the
Conclusion section of the report. Each task should be about 250 to 400 words in
 References
You are required to use four sources to support your document. Cite your
sources in APA format. Add in-text parenthetical citations and a Reference
Add only those sources to the Reference list that you actually use in your report.
Use all the sources you list in the Reference list within your report. Do not use
any more than six sources. Stay with four to six sources.
The Reference list should be in alphabetic order with accurate hanging
The sample below shares what your completed assignment will look like. This sample is
from a textbook, and it is longer than the report you will complete. However, this sample
will guide you in formatting your report and understanding what can go into each section
of this document.
Single-space the entire document. Double space only between paragraphs. Follow the
exact format as shown in the sample below. Check how the headings are boldfaced and
how items are spaced. Pay close attention to alignment.
 Add an updated Table of Contents. The numbering of the document should be
 The research Methods section will be two to three pages long. Since you are
required to use four sources, in this section, you will share at least four tasks you
completed when looking for facts, gathering data, and conducting research.
Remember, in this section, you are not sharing the researched facts and data.
Rather, you will share the steps you took to get to these artifacts and sources.
 The Results section is where you will share what your research shows. This
section will be about two to three pages long. It will share the results for each
task you discussed in the previous section. Cite all your sources.
Add in-text parenthetical citations to credit the sources you use in this report. Add an
APA-style reference list at the end.
This assignment is focused on only two specific parts of the recommendation report.
Please note that this is not the complete report. The final report will have other parts
that you will complete next week. For details, read the Recommendation Report Final
Draft assignment prompt and sample report posted on Canvas.
Please note that the sample shared below is not the complete Recommendation Report.
It only shares the parts this assignment relates to.

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