Research paper
Please note, all written products will be 12-point font, double-spaced and submitted in MS Word only.
should reflect: 1) research and analytical skills; 2) knowledge of international relations theories; 3) solid writing skills. Students can identify a topic of personal interest and apply international political theory to the understanding of the selected topic or do innovative research to test a theory discussed in class.
The following should be reflected in the final paper:
- Research question. Ex. Does Neo-realism provide a useful framework of analysis for Russian actions in Ukraine? [Note: At a minimum, each proposal should have a well-developed research question.]
- Main Argument: Ex. In the case of the Russian actions in Ukraine, Neo-realism offers little explanatory power.
- Working Hypotheses: Ex. If international social and political norms constitute the main driver(s) of the Russian actions in Ukraine, then Neo-realism only partly explains developments in the region.
- When you first approach the instructor with a topic, be prepared to offer the following: 1. a statement of paper topic, 2. research question, 3. working hypothesis, 4. expected findings.