Leisel’s perspective of books and storytelling yields a deeper message power that books and words can overcome mortality and provide comfort, strength and a sense of purpose in the face of hardship and loss.

write an argumantative essay about the book thief with the thesis statment being : “Exploring Leisel’s perspective  of books and storytelling  through the lens of death yields a deeper message that reveals the power that books and words can overcome mortality  and provid”. make sure it has four paragraph which being : Introductio, body 1, body 2, conclusion. Use evidence from the book and analisis the gold nugget in the body paragraph. Most importantly make it in 9th grader vocab

Also here is some more instruction : The Key Objectives:  

You will develop an explorable, arguable thematic-based thesis based onThe Book Thief

Your paper will meet the following criteria:  

  • Length: 3-4 pages typed

  • Format: MLA (for details, click here

  • Structure:  Introduction, two (2) body paragraphs with one (1) quote in each, conclusion (the conclusion should include a counterclaim)

  • Support: two (2) quotations (recommended three to four (3-4) lines per quote), carefully and insightfully explicated

An important note on why we write essays:  Essays are the primary form of written communication in academic settings.  Regardless of your future career, writing will likely play a significant role in your studies as well as your professional life.  Thus, we will practice this important skill regularly throughout the year, in particular the argumentative essay.  As you plan, write, and revise, keep in mind that my two main objectives for you are that you:  (1) express your ideas clearly and concisely but thoroughly, and (2) demonstrate your active reading of the text by choosing and analyzing passages that have stood out to you as relevant to the topic of theme.  

Essay Topic:  How has the novel introduced and developed a key theme?

Possible stems to help you:

Through __________________ (character’s experience), the novel indicates _____________ (the lesson/understanding/moral/theme). 

Exploring the character(s) ________ (and ________) through the lens of ________ yields the deeper understanding/message that _________________.

Model thesis statement to consider:

Through John Smith’s acceptance of personal risk in his attempt to make a societal change, the novel indicates that the risk of self harm is worth the outcome of correcting racial inequality.

Assessment Criteria:  

Your essay will be graded based on the five elements of the NHHS English Department’s argumentative writing rubric, available on our Google Classroom.  The five key categories are:  

(a) Statement of Purpose/Focus, which includes an explorable, arguable thesis; 

(b) Organization, which should follow the standard introduction—body—conclusion format; 

(c) Use of Support/Evidence, for which you should refer to your notes on “explication” as a guide; 

(d) Analysis of Support, which includes “language-level analysis” & 1:2 (quote: analysis) ratio; and 

(e) Conventions, which refers to the editing process and the use of clear, proper language & grammar.

North Haven High School English Department Writing Rubric: 2024-2025


Advanced (A+, A)  15

Goal (A-, B+)   14-13

Approaching (B, C+)  12

Beginning (C, C-)  11-10

Incomplete (D+, F)  9-0


I can meet the criteria of the Goal category AND:

I can draw logical conclusions that are not immediately obvious.


I can demonstrate originality in my thinking.


I can demonstrate nuance.

I can clearly define my purpose for writing.

I have a clear understanding of my sources.


My thesis/stance is thoughtful, explorable, and arguable.

I can recognize the complexity of the subject, including counterclaim (if necessary).

I can define my purpose for writing.

I have an understanding of my sources.

My thesis/stance is explorable and somewhat arguable. 

I recognize the complexity of the subject though it may be limited.

My purpose can be identified, but is not clear.

I have a simplistic understanding of my sources. 

My thesis/stance lacks either clarity or specificity.

I begin to recognize the complexity of the subject.

My writing has no definite purpose.

I have a partial understanding of my sources.

My thesis/stance lacks clarity and specificity; and/or it is not arguable.

Advanced 15

Goal   14-13

Approaching 12

Beginning 11-10

Incomplete  9-0


I can meet the criteria of the Goal category AND:

I can purposely provide a structure that deepens the meaning of my response.

I vary my topic and transition sentences that demonstrate creativity and originality.

I can include fully developed introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.

I can present my evidence and ideas in a logical and effective order to strengthen my thesis.

I can include effective topic and transition sentences. 

I can include an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

I can present evidence and ideas to connect with my thesis.

My topic and transition sentences are clear.

I can begin to structure my ideas in an identifiable order.

I can begin to organize my response using basic sentence structure to convey my ideas.

My writing does not have a clear structure or progression.

My writing does not transition between ideas.

Advanced 25-24

Goal 23-22

Approaching 21-19

Beginning 18-17

Incomplete 16-0


I can meet the criteria of the Goal category AND:

I can consistently select the ideal evidence to support my thesis.

I demonstrate a full understanding of my evidence’s original context.

I can select strongly relevant, appropriate, and effective textual evidence which supports my thesis.

I can cite and fully provide context for each piece of textual evidence.

There is at least one strong quotation per body paragraph.

If appropriate, I can include quality evidence to establish and refute a counterclaim. 

I can select relevant textual evidence which supports my thesis.

I can cite and provide context for each piece of textual evidence with few digressions/errors.

There is at least one significant quotation per body paragraph. 

If appropriate, I can address the opposing side of an issue. 

I can select textual evidence which is related to my thesis.

I can cite and provide superficial context for my textual evidence.

I can select a piece of textual evidence. 

Advanced 25-24

Goal 23-22

Approaching 21-19

Beginning 18-17

Incomplete 16-0


I can meet the criteria of the Goal category AND:

I can strategically articulate insightful connections between my evidence and my thesis

I can integrate my ideas with the ideas from the source(s).

I can thoroughly articulate connections between my evidence and my thesis/stance.

I can infer and develop ideas beyond the concrete.

I can link my ideas with the ideas from the source(s).

I can identify connections between my evidence and my thesis/stance.

I can infer ideas beyond the concrete.

I can restate my ideas and the ideas from the source(s).

I can summarize my evidence. 

I can restate my evidence.

Advanced 20-19

Goal  18-17

Approaching  16-15

Beginning  14-13

Incomplete  12-0

Language and Conventions

I can meet the criteria of the Goal category AND:

I can establish a formal, unique“voice” in my writing. 

I can use vocabulary that is appropriate to the intended audience, context, purpose, and task. 

My sentences are clear and fluent which exhibit largely correct usage (spelling, punctuation, agreement, etc).

I can use formal, academic English to express my ideas effectively.

My writing is in correct MLA format.

My sentences are clear with intermittent errors in usage.

I can use a grade-appropriate level of formal English to express my ideas.

My writing is in correct MLA format.

My sentences contain significant errors in usage.

I can use informal English to express my ideas.

My writing adheres to MLA format with some errors.

My sentences are unclear due to errors in usage.

My ideas are unclear due to errors in language.

My writing is not in MLA format. 

1 REMEMBER: Explication is the process of providing context (who’s speaking?/about what?/where?/when?) before each quote, followed by specific analysis that explores the significance of the passage.

2 NOTE: Assignment sheets override rubrics.  Example: If the assignment calls for a different number of quotations, carefully follow those directions.                              

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