“Breastfeeding: Importance, Challenges, and the Nurse’s Role in Support and Advocacy”

Assignment Overview:

Students will research and create a comprehensive report on breastfeeding, focusing on its importance, health benefits, challenges, and the nurse’s role in promoting and supporting breastfeeding. Research should be based on evidence-based practices and supported by credible sources. It is essential to ensure that the sources used are current, especially in the evolving field of nursing and breastfeeding practices, to reflect the most up-to-date knowledge.

Assignment Objectives:

  • Understand the physiology of breastfeeding.
  • Discuss the health benefits of breastfeeding for both infant and mother.
  • Identify common challenges and strategies for addressing them.
  • Explore the role of the nurse in supporting breastfeeding in various healthcare settings.
  • Compare breastfeeding with formula feeding, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  • Utilize the library’s resources to find credible, peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and other scholarly materials.

Assignment Instructions:

Topic Selection:

Focus on the comprehensive topic:

“Breastfeeding: Importance, Challenges, and the Nurse’s Role in Support and Advocacy”

This topic will cover the physiological process of breastfeeding, its benefits, challenges, the nurse’s role, a comparison with formula feeding, and the public health aspect. You may narrow down certain points for a more in-depth discussion if needed.


Utilize the library’s databases (e.g., PubMed, CINAHL, Medline) to find at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles, books, or other credible sources. Use government and health organization websites (e.g., WHO, CDC) for supplementary information. All sources should be current (published within the last 5 years), unless you are using a foundational or landmark study in the field.

Tip: Use specific keywords or Boolean operators to refine your search and locate relevant studies.

Report Structure:

Write a 3-5 page report (excluding references) with the following sections:

  1. Introduction:
  2. Introduce breastfeeding and its significance.
  3. Body:
  • Physiology and Benefits: Describe the physiological process of breastfeeding and its benefits for both the infant and mother.
  • Challenges and Barriers: Identify common challenges and suggest strategies to overcome them.
  • Nurse’s Role in Breastfeeding Support: Explain the nurse’s role in promoting and supporting breastfeeding in various healthcare settings.
  • Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding: Compare the nutritional content, health benefits, economic factors, and convenience of each feeding method.
  • Public Health Aspect (Optional): Discuss how public health programs influence breastfeeding rates and outcomes, and how nurses contribute to these initiatives.
  1. Note: Each section should be proportionately balanced in length. You may include or omit the “Public Health Aspect” section based on your chosen focus.
  2. Conclusion:
  3. Summarize key points and emphasize the importance of evidence-based practices.
  4. Citations:
  5. Follow APA format for in-text citations and the reference page.

Rubric (Total 100 points)


Excellent (10 pts)

Good (8 pts)

Fair (6 pts)

Needs Improvement (4 pts)



Engaging and comprehensive introduction of the topic, clearly stating its significance.

Clear introduction with minor details missing.

General introduction with limited focus.

Unclear or missing introduction.


Physiology of Breastfeeding

Detailed explanation using evidence-based information.

Good explanation with minor details missing.

Basic understanding with limited information.

Lacks clarity or evidence-based details.


Benefits of Breastfeeding

Thorough discussion of health benefits with strong evidence.

Benefits discussed with some depth missing.

Basic overview with minimal supporting data.

Incomplete or unsupported discussion.


Challenges and Barriers

Comprehensive analysis with effective strategies.

Good analysis with minor gaps.

Limited exploration with unclear strategies.

Lacks analysis or strategies.


Nurse’s Role in Support

Thorough exploration of the nurse’s role with clear examples.

Good discussion with minor areas lacking depth.

Basic overview with limited examples.

Minimal or unclear role described.


Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding

Detailed comparison with clear advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison is present but lacks some details.

Basic comparison without detailed analysis.

Missing or incomplete comparison.


Public Health Aspect (Optional)

Strong discussion on initiatives and nursing advocacy.

Public health aspect discussed well, lacking minor details.

Limited discussion with few examples.

Minimal or no mention of public health initiatives.


Research and Use of Sources

Uses 5 or more current, credible, peer-reviewed sources.

Uses 4-5 credible sources with some relevance issues.

Less than 4 sources or lacks variety.

Fewer than 3 sources; lacks credibility.


Report Structure and Organization

Well-organized with logical structure and clear transitions.

Mostly organized, with minor issues in flow.

Somewhat disorganized, difficult to follow.

Lacks organization and clear structure.


APA Formatting and Citations

Accurate APA format in citations and references, no errors.

Few minor APA formatting errors.

Several errors in APA formatting.

Multiple APA errors, lacking consistency.


Additional Notes:

  • In-text citations: Ensure that in-text citations follow the APA format with the author’s last name and year of publication (e.g., Smith, 2023). For direct quotes, include the page number (e.g., Smith, 2023, p. 45).
  • Reference page: List all sources alphabetically by author’s last name. Ensure the reference list follows APA format, including the author(s), year of publication, title, journal/book title, volume/issue (if applicable), and DOI or URL for online sources.




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