Proofread my assignment and revise it, making it focus on one specific disease (Cystic fibrosis (CF)).
Choose a topic that involves an emerging medical or biotechnology that raises ethical implications or questions. Explore the ethical implications of the technology using three ethical theories reviewed in HMB306 lectures*. Although culture and religion are always relevant, they do not constitute an ethical theory and cannot be used as one.
It is best to frame your topic as a question, and in your essay, answer that question. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) is an acceptable topic as this practice is new and relevant to Canadian society. Make sure you take a position on the topic you have raised, and defend it. Do not be too broad in your question. For example, “reproductive technologies” involves many technologies and would not be a suitable topic.
This paper must be properly referenced. As this course involves emerging technologies, be very careful your references and knowledge are fully up to date. Try to use as recent information as possible. You must reference any factual information you use, but only use such information if your argument depends on it. For example, we do not need the entire history of your technology, but if a fact about your technology is relevant to your ethical argument, please reference it. You do not need to formally reference any ethical theories or philosophers from lecture. If you mention an angle or perspective on an ethical theory someone else has stated outside of what you’ve learned in lecture, please reference that.
*Suitable ethical theories:
- Utilitarianism
- Deontology
- Principlism (Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence, Justice)
- Virtue Ethics
Remember: you will need to use three of the above four theories within your essay. (Principlism counts as one theory!)