Instructions: Answer all questions on the checklist below. USE THE REFERENCES FROM CHAPTER 2 AND CHAPTER 3 SURVEY AND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS). Individually talk about each data collection method in chapter 4. Provide a synthesis of 4 things: all 3 data collection methods (teacher interviews, surveys, and quantitative document analysis) and the literature review. Compare what the literature said to what the participants said.
Easiest way:
Go to Chapter 3, use the interview questions, teacher’s quotes, frequency counts, and Chapter 3 references in the findings. You may copy and paste the questions and references from chapters 2 and 3. Discuss the themes and how they were used as they relate to the teacher quotes and references in chapters 2 and 3. (YOU ARE THE REPORTER COMPARING THIS SECTION, IT SHOULD BE YOUR OPINION).
Checklist: Discussion of the Findings (Highlighted in chapter 4)
- thoroughly discusses the findings in relation to the themes.
- thoroughly discusses the findings with participant quotes.
- thoroughly discusses the findings in relation to data analysis.
- thoroughly discusses themes in relation to the scholarly literature.
- compares results from each data collection method.
- is written in paragraph format.
- is written in accurate tense.