DISCUSSION #4:– DUE — by Wed. Oct. 23 / Religion and Dissent in the American Colonies


The Discussion Posts in the course are designed to create a community in which ideas can be shared in the class and to provide a way — in an online class — to learn from each other about history and its ongoing impact on our lives. During the discussions, another goal is to bring into view various perspectives and interpretations, using the historical evidence in the assigned reading. With that in mind, it is fine to disagree with someone else’s interpretation, but we need to do so in a respectful way (and part of your grade will be based on that). The Discussions will also help students to:  keep up with the reading, prepare for the exams, practice writing about history, and examine the impact of the past on present-day issues in terms of both change and continuity. Grading of Discussion posts is based on the requirements in the Syllabus, p. 2 and p. 3 (and see the Syllabus page for this course). I look forward to reading your discussion posts and seeing your ideas as you share with each other.

THERE ARE 2 PARTS TO THIS DISCUSSION:     (worth 10 points total) 

First post — (worth 7 points out of 10)

Second post — (a reply post)  (worth 3 points out of 10)

IMPORTANT:   You must base your Discussion posts on information in the assigned reading(s) and the assigned film(s), according to the instructions for this assignment. However, . . . 

— Do NOT just copy the language from the assigned reading(s) or a website or another student or any other source. Instead, put the assigned source language into YOUR OWN WORDS, to show your understanding of the material and to receive credit for this assignment.  

 PLAGIARISM —  any amount of copying from another source or another person — will result in a 0 / F on the assignment, as per the academic integrity policy of De Anza College. 

— NO Links! — You must type a direct post on this Discussion page in Canvas. 




 FIRST POST — by you is due by the Due Date above — (worth 7 points out of 10). — You won’t be able to see any one else’s first post until after you write your own first post. — This is to ensure originality and to make sure everyone is doing their own work. — If you do not post first before viewing others’ posts, then you will receive a zero (0) on the assignment. 


In this first post:  Answer the questions, below.  

Do NOT copy the Questions into the Discussion. — ONLY put your Answers in the Discussion. 

Write answers in complete sentences and use college-level analytical writing. 

Limit EACH of your answers to ONLY 2 sentences to stay focused while answering the specific question. 

Do NOT write more than 2 sentences for EACH answer. 

This policy is to avoid rambling and help students focus, and also to save you time with shorter answers. 

If there are 2 examples requested for a question, then you can write 2 sentences for EACH example. 

The quality of specific focused analysis in your answer is more important than how long your answer is. 

However, your answer must also be complete and fully answer the assignment. 

Number your answers (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and A, B, etc.) to receive full credit.

Skip a line (or space) between each of your numbered answers. 

Bold the names of terms and whatever else the assignment requests to bold, so your answer is clear. 


1.  Document Question: — Puritan Court Records (1670s): — Just write 4 sentences for this answer with focused specific analysis — (with 2 sentences for EACH example):  ( A ) Using the “Puritan Court Records” (a document in the Handout Set in Files in Canvas), explain one 1st specific example in the document, with the name of the person in the document, of how Puritans violated people’s freedom of religion by bringing people to court for behavior that would not be restricted in the U.S. today, due to the First Amendment and freedom of religion. — ( B ) Then use a 2nd different specific example in the document indicating rebellion (through behavior) by a person, or persons (use their name) who had different religious views than the Puritans. (The people who disagreed with the Puritans could be called “dissenters.”) — Based on these examples from the document, make an argument with regard to what extent Puritans in Massachusetts appear to have been dominant, or not, over people with different, or dissenting religious views, and were able to prevent rebellions, or not. Use page numbers for your two examples from the assigned document, and provide the names of the people to whom you refer and bold the names.

2.  Textbook Terms Question: — Just write 4 sentences for this answer with focused specific analysis — (with 2 sentences for EACH example): — Use 2 terms, from Week 4 on the syllabus, with specifics from The American Promise textbook to explain 2 different examples of famous people in colonial America who dissented from, or disagreed with, Puritan views and founded (or traveled to) different colonies in the North, and state which colonies those were. — Explain how, in each of the 2 examples, their beliefs were different than the Puritans. — Provide page numbers for the 2 terms in the textbook. — Make sure to bold the names of the terms in your answer.

3.  Film Question: — Just write 2 sentences for this answer with focused specific analysis: — Describe a specific example from the film for this week, “God in America” to explain a specific denial of rights that a specific person, or group of people, faced, due to the lack of a First Amendment, and thus, lack of freedom of religion in colonial America (in the 1600s or 1700s).  State how many minutes into the film the example occurs (and use the minutes digital clock counter at the bottom of the film page where you can move back and forth in the film.)  — Make sure that your film example focuses on a dissenter, or a group of dissenters (those with different religious views who challenged the traditional established churches). — Also make sure that your film example covers different material than your answers for Question #2.

4.  How to Avoid Plagiarism: — Answer the following three questions (A and B and C), below: — Since we are studying religious issues in America this week, it seems like an appropriate time to also discuss an important matter of academic integrity. — To prepare for the upcoming essay, please read the module this week called “How to Avoid Plagiarism (Copying) in Papers / and How to Write Well.” — In addition, using the link in that module, read the website “Quoting and Paraphrasing and How to Avoid Plagiarism (Copying).” — Answer the following three questions (A and B and C), below:

 ( A )  Just write 1 sentence for this answer with focused specific analysis: — According to the module this week in Canvas, “How to Avoid Plagiarism,” what are 2 possible results of loss, legally or financially, which could happen, if a person commits plagiarism (copying someone else’s work and presenting it as their own) in the workplace (in their job or career)?  (And obviously these potential results are in addition to the loss of their own personal integrity, or values of morality).

 ( B )  Just write 1 sentence for this answer with focused specific analysis: — After going to the module on plagiarism for this week, click on the link, “Quoting and Paraphrasing and How to Avoid Plagiarism (Copying).” — Then look on that website, and scroll down to the 2nd main heading called “How to Avoid Plagiarism,” and list the 2 main categories of what must be documented (cited) when writing a paper. Hints:  “specific” what?  and  “information” and what? — List the 2 complete phrases for what must be documented (and when they say “documented,” they mean cited, or using a citation). — (There is a typo on that website, but you will still be able to use the information there to answer the question above for your 2 examples.)

 (C) — Just write 2 sentences for this answer with focused specific analysis: — Scroll further down on the website, “Quoting and Paraphrasing and How to Avoid Plagiarism (Copying),” to get to the section called “Successful vs. unsuccessful paraphrases.”  — (To paraphrase means to put into your own words.) — Then read the material there to understand the difference between “Word-for-Word Plagiarism,” and “A Patchwork Paraphrase,” and “A Legitimate Paraphrase.” — Briefly answer this question: — Why is it wrong and a violation of academic integrity, to do “Word-for-Word Plagiarism”? and “A Patchwork Paraphrase”?  In your answer, also explain why both of these are considered to be plagiarism (copying). In other words, provide a reason for why each of these is considered to be plagiarism, or copying. 

— SECOND POST — (a Reply post) — by you is due by the Due Date above — (worth 3 points out of 10) — Write only 2 or 3 sentences for your Reply post. — Answer with complete sentences and use specific, focused, college-level analytical writing. — Reply to another student’s post, and use specific analysis about why you agree or disagree with the other student’s argument about to what extent Puritans were dominant, or not, over other people’s different or dissenting religious views and were able to prevent rebellions, or not. — Use a specific example from the Puritan Court Records to support your argument. — In addition, explain why the history is still relevant today, with regard to a specific issue regarding religious freedom. — Use a page number from the Puritan Court Records document in the Handout Set in Files in Canvas. 

1.  In your Reply Post, say hello to another student using their first name. — And you also need to do one of the following: — Expand on what the other student has said with more specifics, offer a different interpretation or perspective, provide a new insight, or agree with the student, but whichever approach that you choose, you need to provide more information about WHY you agree or disagree, based on the historical evidence. Please follow syllabus policies and use respectful and non-discriminatory language in your reply, which is part of your grade. 

2.  To do the Reply post, above: — Here is further explanation: — Provide the page number, from the “Puritan Court Records” in the Handout Set, in Files in Canvas, and the approximate dates of the court case (at top of document), for a specific example that you are using to support your point in your Reply post. — Use specific analysis about why you agree or disagree with the other student’s argument about whether Puritans appear to have been dominant, or not, over other people’s different or dissenting religious views and were able to prevent rebellions, or not. — Use a specific example from the Puritan Court Records to support your argument. In addition, explain why the history is still relevant today, with regard to a specific issue regarding religious freedom. — Use a page number for your example in the Puritan Court Records document in the Handout Set in Files in Canvas. — Write only 2 or 3 sentences for the Reply post. 



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